Children in the UK are not reading
enough at home, favouring television and computer games instead, according to
new research. The survey conducted earlier this month by Nestlé Box Tops for Books, which asked parents about their children’s reading habits, found that half of UK children spend less than two hours reading per week. A further one in 10 had not read a book in the past month, and of those who do read regularly, one in four avoid non- fiction titles. More than half of the parents surveyed believed their children should read more non-fiction books. "It is essential that young children read at least one book a week and, in particular, educational books," said family counsellor Jenni Trent Hughes. But others believe such a stern approach to reading may not help children. "We can turn A. Most of the parents under survey think children should read more non-fiction than fiction. B. National Literacy Trust encourages children to treat. reading as a labor of love. C. The status-quo of books of non-fiction in the market is satisfying. D. Non-fiction contributes more than fiction to the development of children’s intellect. [判断题]全面从严治党,基础在全面,关键在严,要害在治。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下属于《烟草专卖法》及其实施条例规定的烟草专卖许可证的是( )。
A.烟草专卖生产企业许可证 B.烟草专卖批发企业许可证 C.烟草专卖零售许可证 D.烟草专卖临时零售许可证 [多项选择]与向银行贷款等间接融资相比,债券和股票筹资手段具备的特点包括( )。
A. 筹资的数额大 B. 时间一般情况下比较长 C. 成本相对较低 D. 筹资方式多样 [填空题]CECS129:2001(埋地给水排水玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂夹砂管管道工程施工及验收规程)中规定:在管道的弯管、变径、三通处应设()。
[填空题]The existence of ghosts may be debated. But the impact of traditional Asian beliefs on Thailand’s tourism trade since the December 26,2004, tsunami (海啸) appears indisputable.
Tourism from Europe, Australia, and the United States has rebounded since the disaster. But tourist arrivals from elsewhere in Asia have plummeted (垂直落下) since the tsunami and have yet to bounce back. Industry observers cite Asian tourists’ fears of ghosts in tsunami-stricken areas as the main reason for the decline. The tsunami claimed more than 215,000 lives in 11 countries around the Indian Ocean and left another 50,000 people unaccounted for. Buddhism and other Asian belief systems hold that if bodies are not recovered and properly buried, their spirits restlessly wander the Earth. Many Asians believe that lost souls try to drag living beings into a spiritual limbo (地狱的边缘). On Thailand’s southwestern coast more than 5,300 people died and 2,900 more went missing when the tsunami swept ashor [多选题]客户类报表统计时间项有哪些选项?(
A.月报 B.5 号 C.旬报 D.周报 [单选题]冷态启动过程中,转子、汽缸、螺栓、法兰之间温度从高到低的排列为(____)。
A.汽缸、法兰、螺栓、转子 B.法兰、螺栓、汽缸、转子 C.转子、汽缸、法兰、螺栓 D.螺栓、汽缸、转子、法兰 [判断题]在直流回路中,沿任一回路方向绕行一周,各电源电势的代数和等于各电阻电压降的代数和。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在上市公司重大资产重组业务中,资产评估方法一般包括()。
A.成本法 B.市价法 C.收益现值法 D.清算价值法 [单选题]外源性化学物引起有害作用的靶器官是指外源性化学物( )。
A.直接发挥毒作用的部位 B.最早达到最高浓度的部位 C.在体内浓度最高的部位 D.表现有害作用的部位 E.代谢活跃的部位 [判断题]CRH2型动车组一级检修质量标准中要求齿轮箱油位观察窗须使用有机溶剂(或稀释剂)清理,以保证观察窗油位清晰可见。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]春秋游时不需要带饮用水,到景点山上找一些泉水喝更清甜。
( ) A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] 阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项([A]、[B]、[C]和[D])中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。