基于以下共同题干印刷组和装订组的成员主要来自以下七名员工——F,G,H,J,K,L和M,每个组的成员必须满足下列条件:(1)每个组至少有三名员工.(2)F和K S能在同一组. (3)如果K在某个组,J也必须在这个组.(4)M至少是这两个组中的成员之一.(5)两个组至少有一个相同的员工.
Mourning the death of one of its own is perhaps the entertainment industry’s most time-honored traditions. After an agonizing and prolonged decline, the long-suffering Vertically Integrated Media Conglomerate passed away.
It’s an idea that was born when Time Inc. merged with Warner Communications Corp. in 1989, to form Time Warner. It endured as the industry’s prevailing business model for nearly a generation, spawning such clones and mongrel breeds as Viacom, News Corp and GE’s NBC Universal. The vertically integrated media conglomerate was—or was supposed to be—many amazing things, giving a handful of companies unprecedented power over the media—and the chance to earn outsized profits in the process. But its defining characteristic was its sheer size, earning it a fitting nickname. Big Media.
But the theory behind the strategy relied on more than size. Housed under one roof, a single Big Media entity would control the me
A. has left the media industry a valuable legacy
B. has enriched those of Ford and General Motors
C. has left a bad influence on the U.S. businesses
D. has proved the value of vertically integrated business
{{B}}Tips for the
Solo Traveler{{/B}} When it comes to traveling, sometimes taking a journey alone can be great. Traveling solo allows for a time of introspection (内省), relaxation and self-discovery, when you can take the time to soak in the finer things the world has to offer. The independence gained by going alone allows for the opportunity to experience your choice destination exactly the way you want. {{B}}Planning Your Trip{{/B}} (1) Where to stay So you’ve finally decided to take advantage of some well-earned vacation time and visit Prague, the city of your dreams. Because you’ll be all by yourself, the planning of your trip is automatically different. One of the first questions worth addressing is how you’re going to spend your time in the beautiful Czech Republic cap A. freely B. alone C. on vocation D. to Prague [单选题]关于铵态氮和硝态氮营养作用问题,在历史上曾有过争论。直到1855年 利用砂培法研究才得出正确结论:硝态氮和铵态氮都是植物良好的氮源。
A.布森高 B.李比希 C.海尔蒙特 D.萨勒姆一赫尔斯特玛 [单选题]制冷机房应有安装良好,朝()开的门。
A.外 B.内 C.无所谓 [单项选择]What does the word "contaminated" (Sentence 9, Para.2) mean
A) Cleaned. C) Widened. B) Polluted. D) Expanded. A. What does the word "contaminated" (Sentence 9, Para.2) mean B. Cleaned. C. Polluted. D. Widened. E. Expanded. [判断题]预应力钢筋混凝土受疲劳影响很大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,对于采用新结构.新材料.新工艺的建设工程和特殊结构的建设工程,设计单位应当在设计中提出( )的措施建议。
A.保证施工进度 B.保障施工作业人员安全 C.保证工程质量 D.预防生产安全事故 E.保障资金投入 [简答题]梯形螺纹牙形角误差或半角误差如何测量?
[不定项选择题]下列各项工作可以不用操作票: ( )
A.事故应急处理 B.拉台断路器(开关)的单操作 C.拉开接地刀闸或拆除全站仅有的组接地线 D.安装或拆除控制回路或电压互感器回路的保险器 E.切换保护回路和检验是否确无电压 [多选题]下列施工质量事故发生的原因中,属于社会、经济原因的有( )。
A.违反基本建设程序,无立项、无报建、无开工许可、无招投标、无资质、无监理、无验收的“七无”工程 B.边勘察、边设计、边施工的“三边”工程 C.某些施工企业盲目追求利润而不顾工程质量,在投标报价中随意压低标价,中标后则依靠违法的手段或修改方案追加工程款,甚至偷工减料 D.施工管理混乱,不遵守相关规范,违章作业,检验制度不严密 E.施工管理及实际操作人员的技术素质差,采用了不合适的施工方法或施工工艺 [单项选择]表示弱酸或弱酸碱性药物在一定pH条件下分子型(离子型)与离子型(分子型)的比例
A. Handerson-Hasselbalch方程 B. Stokes公式 C. Noyes-whitney方程 D. AIC判别法公式 E. Arrhenius公式 [判断题]生产经营单位可以按需建立健全并落实生产安全事故隐患排查治理制度,采取技术、管理措施,及时发现并消除事故隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交