Many of us would think those working in a public relations firm is the same with those working in advertising. This notion is understandable since these two industries are closely related to each other. They are both primarily concerned about the promotion of a company’s sales of products or services. The biggest difference may lie in the fact that advertising aims at selling more, while the point of public relations is to make the public think favorably about the company and its offerings.
Aside from the means of advertising, public relation can also use news releases, press conferences, speaking engagements, and community service programs to reach its goal. All this is done so that the public would view the organization in a way that it wants to be perceived.
Another difference is that public relation is more of a two-way communication. It not only communicates to the public, collecting the views from the public is also one important part in the PR’s
A. To increase.
B. To decrease.
C. To instruct.
D. To understand.
There are several ways you can find out
about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who
(41) to the places, or you can go and see a (42)
film about them, (43) you can read travel
books. (44) would seem that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, (45) account of travel which the author has actually (46) himself. If they are informative and have a good index, (47) they can be useful to you when you (48) your travel. The second kind are those books (49) purpose is to give a purely objective (50) of things to be done and seen. If a (51) , cultured person has written such a book, then it is even more useful. It can (52) as a selective guide book. The third kind are those books which are called A. practical B. current C. private D. functional [单选题]经营者与消费者进行交易,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、( )的原则
A.合理 B.合规 C.合法 D.诚实信用 [单选题]需转移阵地或调整作战力量时应注意哪些安全事项?( ) *
A.检查清点人员及装备$$ B.同时兼顾其他阵地安全$$ C.确保整个作战部署的协调统一$$ D.做到快速安全高效$$ [多选题] 公安机关主要负责人可以指定( )为定密责任人,并明确相应的定密权限
A. 本机关、单位其他负责人 B. 本机关、单位内设机构负责人 C. 具有一定行政级别的人员 D. 其他工作人员 [简答题]物质戒断
A. 川楝子 B. 沉香 C. 香附 D. 木香 E. 枳实 [单选题]在安装水堵芯塞时,甲说:在装入气缸体之前须在芯塞的外圆周围密封边涂以液态密封胶加以密封;乙说:应使用合适的打入工具将芯塞打入其镗孔中。谁正确?( )
A.甲正确; B.乙正确 C.两人均正确 D.两人均不正确 [单选题]JSBXC-850型继电器的检修周期为( )年。
A.2-3年 B.5年 C.3年 D.10年 [单项选择]根据《安全生产法》的规定,下列选项中 不是生产经营单位主要负责人的安全生产职责。
A. 安排从业人员接受安全教育培训 B. 组织制定本单位安全生产规章制度和操作规程 C. 督促、检查本单位的安全生产工作,及时消除生产安全事故隐患 D. 组织制定并实施本单位的生产安全事故应急救援预案 [判断题]倒车过程中,要随时注意车头两侧的空间位置,以免因转向角度过大而发生刮擦事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一般吐弄舌,多属()
A. 气血两虚 B. 心脾积热 C. 阴虚内热 D. 肝阳上亢 E. 风痰阻络 [判断题]危险品处置包聚乙烯塑料袋可以用机上垃圾袋代替。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述浓缩果汁的生产操作流程
[单选题]对于引入VLAN的二层交换机,下列说法不正确的是( )
A.任何一个帧都不能从自己所属的VLAN被转发到其他VLAN中 B.每一个VLAN都是一个独立的广播域 C.每一个人都不能随意地从网络上的一点,毫无控制地直接访问另一点的网络或监听整个网络上的帧 D.VLAN隔离了广播域,但并没有隔离各个VLAN之间的任何流量 [单选题]公安民警不论职务高低,在政治上一律平等,相互间是()关系。
A.同事 B.上下级 C.同志 D.朋友 [单项选择]一患者尿血数月,食少乏力,气短声低,面色苍白,兼见皮肤瘀斑,齿龈有出血,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉细弱。治疗首选方剂是()
A. 加减清胃散 B. 栀子清肝汤 C. 归脾汤 D. 知柏地黄丸合茜根散 E. 龙胆泻肝汤 我来回答: 提交