Modem mass-production methods lower the cost of making goods, and thus give us better values. At the same time, American ingenuity and science are constantly at work improving the quality of products. In this way, better quality products at good values are continually being brought to the people of all income groups.
As an example of how this works ,when facial tissues were first put on the market in 1924 ,they were made in limited quantities and sold at 65 cents per box of 200. People liked these facial tissues immediately and began asking for them when they went into different stores. Because there was such a demand for the product, manufacturers began making tissues in larger and larger quantities. Because the manufacturers were making tissues in greater quantities, their production costs were lowered, so that the cost of tissues went down.In the meanwhile, the quality of facial tissues was constantly improving, because more manufacturers went into the business of m
A. fewer customers buy them
B. more and more of them are produced
C. their quality becomes poorer
D. more manufacturers produce them.
12.5吨、10.3吨、56.6吨、20.1吨。 2008年度有关生产经营情况为: (1) 当年内又购进已税烟丝50吨,每吨不含税单价0.8万元,取得销售方开具的增值税专用发票,发票通过认证后,企业以银行存款支付购货金额40万元、增值税额6.8万元,烟丝全部验收入库;采购烟丝过程中共计以银行存款支付运输费用2万元,取得运输单位开具的运输发票; (2) 当年生产领用烟丝45万元;销售卷烟120标准箱给某大型商场,向购买方开具了增值税专用发票,取得销售金额500万元,增值税额 85万元;经批准销售卷烟8标准箱给使用单位和消费者个人,开具普通发票,取得销售收入 23.4万元; (3) 当年卷烟销售成本共计为221万元;财务费用10万元; (4) 发生管理费用20万元(含业务招待费4万元,含房产税和车船税); (5) 销售费用10万元(含广告费8万元); (6) 计入成本、费用的实发工资费用150万元,拨缴工会经费5万元(取得工会经费专用拨缴款收据),支出职工福利费22.5万元和职工教育经费7.5万元; (7) 营业外支出30万元,其中被工商部门行政罚款6万元,向本厂困难职工直接捐赠4万元,通过公益性社会团体向贫困地区捐赠20万元; (8) “投资收益”账户表明有来源于境外A国的投资收益27万元,该境外所得在境外按照10%的税率已经缴纳了税款; (9) 2007年经税务机关审核的经营亏损为13.39万元。 (10) 烟丝消费税税率30%,卷烟消费税税率 45%、每标准箱定额征收消费税150元;房产税计算余值时的扣除比例为25%,当地规定载货汽车车船税的单位税额为60元/吨,房产税、车船税已经按照会计的核 A. 调增1.6万元 B. 调减2.1万元 C. 调减2.4万元 D. 调增2.4万元 [判断题]上道作业人员应根据需要配备通讯联络工具,接到来车报警或通知后,必须停止作业,迅速撤离到安全地带待避车辆。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]桥台后砌筑盲沟作业时,出口应高出地面或常水位至少( )
A.0.3m B.0.4m C.0.5m D.0.6m [单选题]以下属于企业财产保险可保财产的是( )。
A.半成品、在制品、产成品 B.土地、矿藏资源 C.有价证券 D.道路、桥梁 [简答题]变压器进行电压调整的目的是什么?怎样进行电压调整?
[多项选择]根据《节水型社会建设“十一五”规划》,城市节水的重点任务有( )。
A. 城市供水管网改造 B. 推动公共建筑、小区和住宅节水 C. 推行节水器具 D. 大中型灌区节水改造 E. 创建“节水型城市” [名词解释]作坊
Sharks Perform a Service for Earth’s Waters
It is hard to get people to think of sharks as anything but a deadly enemy. They are thought to (51) people frequently. But these fish perform a (52) service for earth’s waters and for human beings. Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their (53) . Some sharks are at risk of disappearing from (54) . 我来回答: 提交