Productivity is the yardstick by which socioeconomic revolutions are measured. Plows initiated the agrarian revolution by greatly improving the productivity of farmers. Engines, and (1) electricity, (2) the industrial revolutions by (3) improving the productivity of workers in manufacturing and transportation. If there is to be a true in formation revolution, then computers will have to (4) the pattern with information and information work.
Information technology has (5) begun to improve productivity, and it has even hurt it in some cases; it takes longer to wade (6) those endless automated phone answering menus (7) it does to talk to a human operator. (8) , productivity will rise (9) computers and communications are used in the Informa-tion Marketplace to relieve people of brain work (10) industrial machinery relieved us of physical work.
The Information Marketplace will give (11) to tw
A. In effect
B. Consequently
C. In a sense
D. However
INTERVIEWS People applying for jobs normally send in a copy of their CV. This should be used as a basis for questions from the interviewer. Interviewers find it useful to ask candidates about the way they behaved in difficult situations in the past, for example with an angry customer or colleague. These questions allow applicants to explain how they acted in a real-life situation and, consequently, give clues as to how they would act again in similar situations. Candidates are likely to tell the truth as speaking from memory leaves little time to invent what happened. On the other hand, questions which ask candidates to imagine ho A. candidates should ask questions at the end of the interview. B. interviewers should ask all the candidates the same question. C. interviews should all last for roughly the same length of time. [单项选择]属于Ⅲ型变态反应的疾病是()
A. 类风湿性关节炎 B. 强直性脊柱炎 C. 新生儿溶血症 D. 血清过敏性休克 E. 接触性皮炎 [多选题]我国刑法第385条第1款规定:“国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物的,或者非法收受他人财物,为他人谋取利益的,是受贿罪。”对该规定中“为他人谋取利益”的正确理解有
A.“为他人谋取利益”包括承诺为他人谋取利益 B.“为他人谋取利益”必须发生在得到他人财物之后 C.“为他人谋取利益”中的利益既包括正当利益,也包括不正当利益 D.“为他人谋取利益”既是收受型受贿罪的要件,也是索取型受贿罪的要件 [多选题]生猪定点屠宰厂(场)出厂(场)( )的生猪产品
的,由畜牧兽医行政主管部门责令停业整顿,没收生猪产品和违 法所得,并处货值金额 1 倍以上 3 倍以下的罚款,对其主要负责 人处 1 万元以上 2 万元以下的罚款;货值金额难以确定的,并处 5 万元以上 10 万元以下的罚款;造成严重后果的,由设区的市 级人民政府取消其生猪定点屠宰厂(场)资格;构成犯罪的,依 法追究刑事责任。 A.未经肉品品质检验 B.经肉品品质检验不合格 C.未经检疫 D.经检疫不合格 [填空题] 客服岗结帐后,出现备用金短款,是因为当日运营过程中,有客服岗的营收款不足以归还备用金,故导致备用金短款,需使用“ ”功能的 进行补齐。
[单选题]DUM-48/50H系列智能开关电源交流欠压:交流电压低于( )告警,高于欠压值+20V恢复。
A.A、-10V B.B、-15V C.C、-20V D.D、-25V [单选题]小明的班上的同学分为两组,每次课堂上大家都带上课后阅读遇到的关键问题或困惑问题,轮流向对方提问,彼此回答,并进行讨论。这样的教学方法是( )
A. 三次停顿法 B. 思维—同伴—分享法 C.问题—讨论法 D. 一分钟字条法 [填空题]遇正线作业特殊情况需延长作业时间时,由作业负责人在规定的作业结束时间前______分钟通过销 点站向行车调度申请,由值班主任审批后实施,特殊情况可由作业负责人通过 800M 手持台或由联络员向销点站提出延点申请,须说明延点原因及延点时间。延长后的作业结束时间距离所属作业区域第一列电客车实际开行时间不得小于______分钟,小于______分钟时,须注销作业并按故障处理或抢修办理。
[单选题]非托运行李指( )
A.自理行李 B.随身携带物品 C.手提行李 D.以上都有 [单选题]ETC通行成功率=( )。
A. ETC三次通行成功车辆数/ETC车辆通行总量*100%。 B. ETC一次通行成功车辆数/ETC车辆通行总量*100%。 C. ETC五次通行成功车辆数/ETC车辆通行总量*100%。 D. ETC二次通行成功车辆数/ETC车辆通行总量*100%。 [单选题]办理电话闭塞时,承认闭塞、列车到达补机返回、取消闭塞、单线或双线反方向越出站界调车应发出电话记录号码,并记入( )。
A.《站务日志》 B.《中间站车站值班员交接班簿》 C.《行车日志》 D.《调度命令登记簿》 [填空题]应用HPLC通信的用户100%实现(_)、电能、电压、电流曲线(24点48点96点)数据定制化采集。
[判断题]进入高温、浓烟、有毒、缺氧区域、封闭空间时,必须佩戴使用空(氧)气呼吸器或移动供气源,也可以使用过滤式防护装具。开放式有毒区域也可使用强制送风呼吸器、消防过滤式综合防毒面具。() [判断题]
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]橡胶密封圈、接头体、法兰体组装时,螺栓应均匀紧固,不得发生( )。
A.制造商 B.使用费 C.技术水平 D.可靠度 [单选题]查询人可在办理取款业务之日起()个工作日内(含取款当日)申请冠字号码查询。
A.10; B.20; C.30; 我来回答: 提交