For the first time in history,
evolution has taken a backseat. There is an ongoing realization that human
beings are capable of directly shaping their own evolution. As we ease into the
twenty- first century, we realize that genetic enginee-ring is undoubtedly going
to have a dramatic{{U}} (67) {{/U}}on our lives. It seems that with
genetic engineering, science has moved from{{U}} (68) {{/U}}the natural
world to redesigning it. Now we must ask ourselves{{U}} (69) {{/U}}this
influence will be for better or for worse. However, scientists remain{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}in their opinions. Some have{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}against the hazards of genetic engineering, {{U}} (72)
{{/U}}others have dismissed these perils as inconsequential. Lewis Wolpert,
professor of biology at University College London, says, "There are no
ethical{{U}} (73) {{/U}}because y A. against B. for C. about D. on [判断题]在高速铁路运行区段,CTC与GSM-R数字移动通信系统结合,实现调度命令、接车进路预告信息、调车作业通知单等向司机的传送。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]使用绳索进行救人、自救训练时,首先应对绳索长度进行测量。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]中央企业建立资产评估项目公示制度,公示制度包括( )。
A.公示范围 B.公示流程 C.公示期限 D.评估机构设立方式 E.公示反馈意见收集 [单选题]以下不是737-700/800飞机APU直流燃油泵启动的必要条件的是:
A.1号主油箱燃油泵低压 B.交输活门关闭 C.ECU未探测到保护性关断故障 D.APU启动电门在ON位 [单选题]下列关于火热内生机理的叙述,错误的是
A.五志过极化火 B.精亏血少,阴虚阳亢 C.气有余便是火 D.外感暑热阳邪 E.邪郁化火 [单项选择]近代中外历史告诉我们,群众的民主权力就像一切个人权力一样,当它没有收到______的宪政约束时,很容易转变为它的反面,成为一种暴虐的权力。因此,许多思想家对于各种群众领袖挟民意而行独裁的负面作用______。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A. 严格 嗤之以鼻 B. 良好 讳莫如深 C. 恰当 忧心忡忡 D. 普遍 谈虎色变 我来回答: 提交