It was eleven o’ clock that night when
Mr. Pontellier returned from Klein’ s hotel. He was in an excellent humor, in
high spirits, and very talkative. His entrance awoke his wife, who was in bed
and fast asleep when he came in, He talked to her while he undressed, telling
her anecdotes and bits of news and gossip that he had gathered during the day.
From his trousers pockets he took a fistful of crumpled bank notes and a good
deal of silver coin, which he piled on the bureau indiscriminately with keys,
knife, handkerchief, and whatever else happened to be in his pockets, she was
overcome with sleep, and answered him with little half utterances. He thought it very discouraging that his wife, who was the sole object of his existence, evinced so little interest in things which concerned him, and valued so A. she neglected their children B. she abused their children C. she seldom played with them D. she failed to clean the room their children slept in [单选题]机车轴重是指机车在静止状态下( )压在钢轨上的重量。
A.整台机车 B.每一台转向架 C.每一对轮对 [单项选择]畅销商品周转天数一般在()个订货周期内。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]关于喷鼻剂使用叙述不正确的是()
A. 在使用喷鼻剂时,头应后倾 B. 将喷嘴插入鼻子,但应尽量避免接触鼻黏膜 C. 在按压喷雾器的同时吸气 D. 在抽出喷雾器之前,要始终按压喷雾器 E. 喷药后,轻轻地用鼻吸气2~3次 [单选题]打磨列车钢轨打磨后,Vmax>120km/h,钢轨焊缝凹陷应小于( )mm。
A.0.3 B.0.5 C.1.0 D.0.2 [单选题]测角时,用望远镜照准目标时,由于望远镜的放大倍数有限和外界的原因,照准目标可能偏左或偏右而引起照准误差。此误差称为( )。( )
A.系统误差 B.偶然误差 C.中误差 D.相对误差 [多项选择]邓小平强调:“解放思想,开动脑筋,一个十分重要的条件就是要真正实行无产阶级的民主集中制。我们需要集中统一的领导,但是必须有充分的民主,才能做到正确的集中。”“我们要创造民主的条件,要重申“三不主义”:不抓辫子,不扣帽子,不打棍子。在党内和人民内部的政治生活中,只能采取民主手段,不能采取压制、打击的手段。”“当前最迫切的是扩大厂矿企业和生产队的自主权,使每一个工厂和生产队能够千方百计地发挥主动创造精神。”在讲话中邓小平主张要创造的“民主的条件”包括
A. 政治民主 B. 经济民主 C. 生活民主 D. 文化民主 [判断题]财产租赁合同没有期限限制。( )
[多项选择]对电力变压器,应装设相应的保护装置的情况有( )。
A. 绕组的匝间短路 B. 电压降低 C. 冷却系统故障 D. 变压器温度升高 [判断题]做静特性实验时,信号源必须是按一个方向递增或递减
[单选题]韶山3B 型电力机车牵引装置设计牵引点距轨面距离为( )。
A.360㎜ B.460 ㎜ C.560 ㎜ D.500 ㎜ [判断题]成都地铁1号线南延线FAS主机不对感温光纤主机进行直接监视
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]列车到站时,组织旅客先上后下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1935年召开的( )是召开的独立自主地解决中国革命问题的一次极其重要的扩大会议,是党和红军历史上生死攸关的转折点。
A.遵义会议 B.十一届三中全会 C.中共一大 D.十七届五中全会 我来回答: 提交