Text 3
A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.
A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who have not. Aggressive, destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, in the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than an incitement to overt action. As to fears, there are, I think, well-authenticated cases of ch
A. beneficially channeled
B. given a destructive tendency
C. held back until maturity
D. effectively suppressed
Musicians are fascinated with the
possibility that music may be found in nature; it makes our own desire for art
seem all the more essential. Over the past few years no less a bold musical
explorer than Peter Gabriel has been getting involved. At the Research
Center in Atlanta, Georgia, he has been making music together with Kanzi, one of
the bonobo apes (倭黑猩猩) involved in the long-term language acquisition studies of
Sue and Duane Savage-Rumbaugh. I have seen the video of Kanzi picking notes out on a piano-like keyboard, with Gabriel and members of his band playing inside the observation booth in the lab. (They did it this way because Kanzi had bitten one of his trainers a few days previously—interspecies communication is not without its dangers. ) The scene is beautiful, the ape trying out the new machine and looking thought A. music should replace language as the major arena of animal research B. animal experiments are more often than not cruel and inhuman C. great progress has been made in the field of interspecies communication D. the experiment with music may help scientific research on animals [单选题]急性心肌梗死时,下述哪种酶学变化既准确又能判定梗死范围
A. CK B.CK-MB C.GOT D.LDH E.LDH1 [多项选择]常用小球阀高梯度磁性分离器按照()来判断失效点。
A. 一定的进水量 B. 一定的出水量 C. 进出口的含铁量 D. 出水的压力 [单选题]《技规》规定除中间站利用本务机车调车以外的其他车站,在一批调车作业中,变更( )时,必须停车传达。
A.股道 B.辆数 C.作业方法 D.作业条件 [单选题]失业人员失业前所在单位与本人户籍不在同一统筹地区的,失业保险金的发放和其他失业保险待遇的提供,应( )。
A.由受理其失业前所在单位失业保险业务的经办机构办理 B.由其户籍所在地的经办机构办理 C.由两地人力资源社会保障行政部门进行协商,明确具体办法,协商未能取得一致的,由上一级人力资源社会保障行政部门确定 D.全国范围内任一失业保险经办机构均应受理。 [多选题]并联电容器不平衡保护告警的处理原则包括?
A.检查保护装置情况,是否存在误告警现象 B.检查外熔断器的通断情况 C.检查电容器有无喷油、变形、放电、损坏等故障现象 D.检查中性点回路内设备及电容器间引线是否损坏 [多选题]依据《国家电网有限公司基建质量管理规定》要求,属于施工单位质量管理责任的有( )[国网(基建/2)112—2019《国家电网有限公司基建质量管理规定》第十六条]
A.组织进行各阶段验收、质量事件调查和处理等工作 B.依据国家法律、公司有关规定及合同进行工程分包,并对分包工程的质量负责 C.组织开展公司级质量专检 D.对工程项目的施工质量负主体责任 [单选题]生产和处理能导致爆炸的粉料时,若无抑爆装置,也无泄压措施,则所有的工艺设备应采用( )设计,且能够承受内部爆炸产生的超压而不破裂。
A.隔爆 B.惰化 C.抗爆 [判断题]注册验资的临时存款账户在验资期间只收不付。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某女,28岁,初产妇。产后1周,乳汁缺少,经服猪蹄汤通乳,尚未见效。遂来针灸治疗。此产妇今日又感受风寒,颈项脊背强痛不舒,尤以肩后及后正线为主,应选:()
A. 腕骨 B. 支正 C. 臑俞 D. 肩外俞 E. 后溪 [单选题]审理时查看在复制的书证上有无注明原件的保存单位(个人)和出处,由原件保存单位和个人签注“与原件核对无误”字样,并由其签章或者押印。这 是审查书证( )
A.产生过程 B.内容过程 C.获取过程 D.与其它证据的关系 [单选题]长期食用未加热牛奶,婴儿可能发生
A.免疫力下降 B.铁丢失过多 C.消化不良 D.铁摄入不足 E.铁吸收减少 [单项选择]地方性甲状腺肿的致病因素是
A. 碘摄入量过低 B. 碘摄入量过高 C. 碘消耗量过少 D. 碘消耗量过高 E. 碘摄入量过低或过高 [单选题]HSE管理体系的核心是()。
A.风险评价和隐患治理 B.方针与战略目标 C.领导与承诺 [单选题]通过程序控制装置对控制对象实现一对一远方控制是( )控制。
A.选线 B.相对 C.绝对。 [填空题]
US Signs Global Tobacco Treaty 1. The United States has taken the first step toward approving a global tobacco treaty that promises to help control the deadly effects of tobacco use throughout the world. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson signed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) this week at the United Nations. The Senate must still approve the treaty before the US can implement its provisions. 2. The FCTC was developed by the World Health Organization and approved by members of the World Health Assembly, including the United States, last year. Countries that ratify it would be required to enact strict tobacco control policies. 3. For instance, cigarettes sold in those countries would have to have health warnings on at least 30% of the front and back of every pack. The treaty calls for higher tobacco taxes, restrictions on smoking in public places, and more promotion of tobacco prevention a [多选题]钢筋调直到末端时,操作人员应避开,以防钢筋短头舞动伤人,直径为()mm的钢筋调直,应低速加工。
A.6 B.8 C.9 D.16 [单选题]下列情形中,不应以故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪定罪的是()。
A.因刑讯逼供、暴力取证而致人伤残、死亡的 B.监管人员虐待被监管人,致被监管人伤残、死亡的 C.因抢劫致人重伤、死亡的 D.聚众斗殴的过程中致人重伤、死亡的 [单选题]交流滤波器(并联电容器)退出运行后再次投入运行前,应满足()要求。
A.电容器充电时间 B.电容器输送功率 C.电容器放电时间 D.电容器充放电时间 [简答题]架空线路单元主要有哪些?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]隔热材料应具有密度小、导热系数小化学性能稳定、对管道没有腐蚀,并且能长期在工作温度下运行等性能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]IE工作方法有哪些﹖
A. 消极强化 B. 认知障碍 C. 潜意识中性的冲突 D. 强迫性思维 E. 消极自我暗示 F. 交互抑制 我来回答: 提交