A controversial decision on whether choice cuts of steak and cartons of milk produced from cloned animals are suitable for the dinner table is now long overdue.
Hundreds of pigs, cows and other animals created with the help of cloning are living (1) farms across the United States and (2) the forthcoming ruling will directly (3) American consumers, British holidaymakers may also (4) themselves at the forefront of a food revolution that many commentators expect will (5) arrive here.
(6) the birth of Dolly the sheep-the first mammal cloned from an adult cell--there were extreme predictions of herds of genetically (7) bulls and pastures (8) with cloned dairy cows.
That double (9) of the past decade has not yet been realized (10) clones have become a familiar sight at agricultural fairs in America, where producers of (11) pigs and cattle have been among the first to (12) cloning
A. find
B. think
C. take
D. pat
Curiosity is not only a possible
motivation,it is also a great help in your learning languages. Remember that a
language is not (11) a grammatical system. It is the
(12) of a certain culture of different cultures. It is no
good (13) strings of words and lists of grammatical rules
(14) you know as much as possible about the background of the
language,so that you can understand the ideas conveyed and the references
made,as well as the inferences which can (15) the information
clearly given. so learn as much as you can about the different cultures which
(16) English-watch television programs,listen to the radio,try
to obtain (17) and magazines written by native speakers,look
at advertisements,and,above all,read-not textbooks, (18)
novels,poems and plays. Th A. occasionally B. really C. casually D. scarcely [判断题]煤矿使用的涉及生命安全、危险性较大的特种设备,必须取得安全使用证或者安全标志,方可投入使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据企业国有资产法律制度的规定,下列关于国有资产所有权界定的表述中,不正确的是( )
A. 非国家机关及非国有企业单位创办的事业单位,凡是由国家投入的资产应属国家所有 B. 国有企业接受馈赠形成的资产,不应界定为国有资产 C. 政党及人民团体中由国家拨款等形成的资产属于国有资产 D. 国有企业中个人缴纳的党费、团费、会费,不应界定为国有资产 [判断题]铁路旅客运输管理规则》适用于国家铁路和地方铁路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]X注册会计师是Q公司2007年度财务报表的项目经理,X注册会计师负责审核助理审计人员对存货监盘的底稿,请代X注册会计师对以下事项进行判断。
注册会计师在存货盘点结束前,不仅要再次观察盘点现场,以确定所有应纳入盘点范围的存货是否均已盘点,而且还应取得并检查已填用,作废未使用盘点表单的号码记录,确定其是否连续编号,查明已发放的表单是否收回,并与存货盘点的汇总记录进行核对。 ( ) [判断题]脚手架立杆垫板或底座底面标高应高于自然地坪30~100mm,确保立杆底部不积水。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下面说法正确的是( )。
A. 种群是物种存在的基本单位 B. 功能相同的群落,其物种组成也是相同的 C. 群落具有一定的组成和营养结构 D. 生态系统的边界有的是比较明确的,有的则是模糊的、人为的 [单选题]43kg/m 钢轨的构造轨缝为( )。
A.18mm B.17mm C.16mm D.15mm [多选题]应当存入案卷的文书材料包括以下哪几种 ( )
A.被处罚人(单位)基本情况的相关文书材料 B.行政复议决定书 C.行政判决书、裁定书 D.其他材料 [单项选择]关于电气装置,下列()项工作不属于电工作业。
A. 试验 B. 购买 C. 运行 D. 安装 [单选题]佩戴口罩时要让口罩紧贴面部和完全覆盖()
A.口腔和鼻子 B.口腔和下巴 C.口鼻和下巴 D.口腔 E.鼻子 [多选题]油中溶解气体分析时,对色谱仪的安全要求主要有:( )
A.远离施工现场 B.可放置在室内工作 C.仪器接地应良好 D.使用380V电源 [判断题]客运车辆夜间行驶速度不得超过日间限速的80%。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]关于二级资本的说法,正确的有()。
A. 其受偿顺序列在普通股之前 B. 不带赎回机制 C. 不允许设定利率跳升条款 D. 收益不具有信用敏感性特征 E. 必须含有减计或转股条款 [判断题]用驱动精灵必须联网
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交