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(77) {{U}}In what now seems like the
prehistoric times of computer history, the early post-war era (战后时期), there was
a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one
day. {{/U}}Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving
us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives,
we are facing with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend
to be over-trusting (过分信任) of computers and are reluctant to challenge their
authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons
may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction(失灵). (78) {{U}}Obviously, there would be no point in investing(投入) in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and A. a computer used exclusively by one company for its own problems B. a person’s store of knowledge and the ability to process it C. the most up to date in home computer a company can buy D. a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable [单项选择]一次直接抽样时所有抽样单位的名单叫做()
A. 抽样单位 B. 样本 C. 抽样框 D. 样本容量 [单选题]968.飞机在空中飞行时,如果飞机处于平衡状态,则
A.A.作用在飞机上的所有外力平衡,所有外力矩也平衡 B.B.作用在飞机上的所有外力不平衡,所有外力矩平衡 C.C.作用在飞机上的所有外力平衡,所有外力矩不平衡。 [单项选择]胃大部切除术患者限制单糖、双糖食物摄入是为防止发生()
A. 贫血 B. 体重下降 C. 低血糖综合征 D. 倾倒综合征 E. 营养障碍 [判断题]列车制动时,列车管初次减压量不低于50KPa。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]将固体废物作为原材料和能源资源甲乙开发利用是最有效的固废处理方法,是从20世纪()开始迅速发展的。
A. 30年代 B. 50年代 C. 70年代 D. 90年代 [多项选择]下列属于《春江花月夜》所体现的思想情感的是()
A. 对生命的留恋 B. 对青春的珍惜 C. 对事业的追求 D. 对现实的批判 E. 对“人生代代无穷已”欣慰 [多选题]事故责任比例划分说法正确的是:
A.全部责任:负有事故损失及不良影响l00%的责任 B.主要责任:负有事故损失及不良影响40%-60%的责任 C.次要责任:负有事故损失及不良影响20%-40%的责任 D.一定责任:负有事故损失及不良影响10%-20%的责任 E.同等责任:各方均负有事故损失及不良影响的相同比例的责任 F.若事故由多方原因造成,按各责任方承担责任比例进行划分 我来回答: 提交