The devastating effects of earthquakes
on human lives and property have encouraged the search for earthquake
prediction. This challenge remains and contemporary seismologists continue to
seek reliable methods for pinpointing the time, place and magnitude of
individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence rates of earthquakes as indicators of future seismic activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world where tectonic plates such as the Pacific Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate meet and create fault zones and it is in these areas that seismologists focus their investigations. The tectonic plate model provides another tool for earthquake prediction by calculating the accumulated strain at plate boundaries. When the strain reaches a certain magnitude the pressure must be released a A. other factors may account for changes in conductivity B. rock may be saturated with fluid C. these changes can be measured D. the conductivity of crustal rock is inherently variable [单项选择]你被任命为你的组织内一个项目经理,负责设计,开发和执行一套企业资源规划系统(即ERP系统)。你将与组织外的供货商签约,后者提供ERP软件。你认识到详细规划这些实时系统是成功的关键,因此组建了一个由重要股东组成的小组准备计划。为了帮助项目计划的制定,你应该:()。
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