Questions 11~15
Something about Naples just seems to be made for comedy. The name alone conjures up pizza, and lovable, incorrigible innocents warbling "O Sole Mio"; a nutty little corner of the world where the id runs wild and the only answer to the question "Why " appears to be "Why not " Naples: the butter-side-down of Italian cities, where even the truth has a strangely fictitious tinge. One day a car rear-ended one of the city’s minibuses. The bus driver got out to investigate. While he stood there talking, his only passenger took the wheel and drove off. Neither passenger nor bus was ever seen again. Then there was that busy lunch hour in the central post office when a crack in the ceiling opened and postal workers were overwhelmed by an avalanche of stale croissants. As the cleaners hauled away garbage bags of A. (A) disorder B. (B) overcrowding C. (C) insecurity D. (D) inefficiency [判断题]银行业金融机构应及时对违反行为守则及其细则的从业人员进行处理和责任追究,对与本行解除或终止劳动合同的离职或退休人员,如被发现在银行业金融机构工作期间存在严重违规行为的,可免予追究其责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]公民在行使自由和权利的时候,不得损害国家和集体的利益以及其他公民的合法的自由和权利。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]1#和2#液压系统有何差()
A. 1#液压系统提供机轮刹车压力 B. 2#液压系统提供机轮刹车压力 C. 2#液压系统提供公用系统压力(如起落架收放等) D. 没有差别 [单项选择]不属于基因治疗方法的是
A. 基因扩增 B. 基因矫正 C. 基因置换 D. 基因增补 E. 基因失活 [单选题]高压配电装置应装设隔离开关,隔离开关分断时应有明显断开点。()
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]下列可以单独作为证据的是()。
A. 录音 B. 电子邮件 C. 协议复印件 D. 测谎结论 [多项选择]根据《税收征收管理法》,下列说法正确的有哪些( )
A. 税务机关应对纳税人欠缴税款的情况定期予以公布 B. 纳税人欠缴税款的,处分不动产前应向税务机关报告 C. 欠缴税款的纳税人无偿转让财产,致使不能缴纳税款的,税务机关可以行使撤销权 D. 欠缴税款的纳税人怠于行使到期债权,致使不能缴纳税款的,税务机关可以行使代位权 [多选题]物体空中翻要求:()。
A.合理地选择方案 B.两台起重机互相配合 C.正确地选择吊点 D.熟练地掌握操作技能 [单选题]根据以下内容,回答207-209题。
Legman Capital Purchases Josee Group
Leafman Capital, a leading Canadian investment firm, announced today that it has completed its long-anticipated acquisition of Josee Group, a Paris-based hotel company. The deal has an esti-mated value of 350 million euros, according to Leafman Capital executives.
The sale of the French-owned Josee Group to a Canadian firm has caused a great deal of con-troversy in France, the Josee Group owns 26 historic hotels in and around Paris, including the fa-mous Hotel Jean-Claude, which had hosted numerous prominent nineteenth-century French authors and political figures. Joseph Leafman, owner of Leafman Capital, announced that his firm would strive to retain the important historic heritage of the Hotel Jean-Claude but would make necessary renovations to modernize the heating and plumbing systems. In addition to the Hotel Jean-Claude,the Josee Group owns smaller hotels across France, including the Parisian Gateway and the Hotel Fanon, both considered among the finest examples of French architecture in the neoclassic style.
Mr. Leafman said that his firm purchased the Josee Group as a means of diversifying its port-folio. He also plans to make additional purchase in Europe, which may include luxury hotels in Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland. Other assets recently purchased by Leafman Capital include high-rise apartment and office buildings in Thailand and the Philippines.
According to the article, why has the sale of the Josee Group been considered controversial?
A.It was sold for less than its estimated value B.Historic French properties were being sold to a foreign firm C.Employees of the Josee Group are expected to lose their jobs D.The sale was not made public until it had been finalized 我来回答: 提交