最可能的诊断是()。 Every spring migrating salmon return to
British Columbia’s rivers to spawn. And every spring new reports detail fresh
disasters that befall them. This year is no different; The fisheries committee
of Canada’s House of Commons and a former chief justice of British Columbia,
Bryan Williams, have just. examined separately why 1.3 m sockeye salmon
mysteriously "disappeared" from the famed Fraser river fishery in 2004. Their
conclusions point to a politically explosive conflict between the survival of
salmon and the rights of First Nations, as Canadians call Indians. In 2004, only about 524, 000 salmon are thought to have returned to the spawning grounds, barely more than a quarter the number who made it four years earlier. High water temperatures may have killed many. The House of Commons also lambasted the federal Department of Fisherie A. responding to two previous reports B. proposing a new quota system for fishing licences C. consulting natives, commercial and sport fishermen D. keeping a balance between conservation, enforcement and fisheries [多项选择]作为地陪,首次途中导游要认真做好以下工作()。
A. 介绍自己和司机并致欢迎词 B. 介绍本地概况 C. 对沿途景观进行即兴导游 D. 介绍在本地旅游活动的有关事项 E. 讲清在本地旅游的价格 [单选题] 办理行政案件时,对经审查作为证据使用的鉴定意见,公安机关应当在收到鉴定意见之日起( )内将鉴定意见复印件送达违法嫌疑人和被侵害人,
A.三日 B.五日 C.七日 D.十日 [单项选择]托管业务是商业银行的一项()。
A. 资产业务 B. 负债业务 C. 中间业务 D. 资产负债业务 [判断题]录像机按高、中、低三档分档时,家用录像机属于高档机
A. 癫狂 B. 中风 C. 气厥 D. 痉病 E. 痴呆 [简答题]距离发生事故的核电站多远我们才安全?
A.因为二人没有履行调解协议,则县公安局应当对二人作出治安处罚 B.如果二人履行了调解协议,则县公安局就不应对其作出处罚决定 C.二人可以就调解行为申请行政复议 D.二人可以就调解行为提起行政诉讼 我来回答: 提交