Seeking to build support among black
families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent
black {{U}}pundit{{/U}} $240,000 to promote the law on his {{U}}nationally{{/U}}
{{U}}syndicated television show{{/U}} and to urge other black journalists to do the
same. The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required commentator Armstrong Williams "to regularly comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts," and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio spots that were aired during the show in 2004. Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the {{U}}arrangement{{/U}} unethical,but "I wanted to do it because it’s something I believe in." The top Democrat on the House Education Committee, Rep. George Miller of California, called the contract "a very qu A. can be organized like a national game B. can be aired in many towns in the USA C. might be somehow eradicated someday D. must be shown everywhere across the country [单项选择]No matter how you look on paper, no matter how well you present yourself, no matter how well you answer their questions, you will not get the job unless you make a personal connection with the interviewer. I need to know from the very start that you are someone I can trust to represent my company and me. How do you establish that trust Simple. At the very beginning of the interview, when the introductions are being made, concentrate on looking directly and solidly into the interviewer’s eyes, giving them your sweetest and most endearing smile. I tend to think of it as a "shy smile." The bottom line is to make it a warm and friendly smile. Then think about the fact that you are truly pleased to be there in the presence of this person. Establish that personal connection both physically and mentally with the interviewer.
How do you know when the connection is made When they return your smile in a comfortable, relaxed manner, you are connected and ready to communicate on a personal le A. If you want to get the job, you must make the interviewer trust you. B. If you want to be trusted, you should know more information about the interviewer. C. It is not necessary to make eye contact with the interviewer. D. It is not necessary to keep smiling during the interview. [简答题]现行东莞地方养老保险缴费比例是多少?办理养老保险转移时候能否一起转移地方养老保险?
A. 保护公民健康是宪法规定的国家责任 B. 保障公众用药安全、有效、经济、合理、方便、及时和生命健康的必要和有效的手段 C. 体现了国家和政府对公众健康利益的关心 D. 宏观的药事管现为药事组织的微观药事管理提供了法律依据、法定标准和程序 E. 对药事活动进行必要的管理 [单选题]职业病分为10大类,( )种。
A. 100 B. 105 C. 115 D. 132 [单选题]某一电影院容纳人数为 1200 人,至少应设置( ) 个安全出口。 [ 中]
A.3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 [单选题]根据DL/T 5161.1~16《电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定规程》的相关要求,在气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备的设备支架安装检验中,属于“主控”项目的是( )。(DL/T 5161.2—2018《电气装置安装工程质量检验及评定规程 第2部分:高压电器施工质量检验》1.0.2)
A.支架顶标高偏差 B.支架规格、型号 C.固定螺栓 D.外观及防腐 [单选题]起升变幅机构齿轮齿厚磨损达原齿厚的( )应报废。
A.15% B.10% C.5% [单项选择]在宿主抗移植物反应中,下列哪种排斥最严重()
A. 急性排斥 B. 超急性排斥 C. 亚急性排斥 D. 慢性排斥 E. 迟发排斥 [单选题]某超市购进
A,B两种香油共200瓶,总预算1420元,其中A种香油每瓶进价6.5元,售价8元;B种香油每瓶进价8元,售价10元。若期望利润不低于339元,有几种购货方式?( )
A.1种 B.2种 C.3种 D.4种 [判断题]在电源内部,外力将单位正电荷从电源负极经电源内部移到电源正极所做的功,叫电源电动势。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交