Hippies were members of a youth
movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s that started in the United States and spread
to Canada, Great Britain, and many other countries. The hippies rejected the
customs, traditions, and life styles of society and tried to develop those of
their own. Most hippies came from white middle-class families and ranged in age
from 15 to 25 years old. They thought too many adults cared about making money
and little else. The term hippie may come from the word hip, which means
"turned-in" or aware. Hippies wanted a world based on love of humanity and peace. Many believed that wonderful, magical changes were about to take place. They thought these changes would happen as soon as people learned to express their feelings honestly and to behave naturally at all times. Hippies strongly opposed U.S. involvement A. wanted a world based on love of humanity and peace. B. could not find jobs and had to sell flowers for a living. C. wanted to tell people that they were badly in need of love. D. wanted to show people that they meant no harm to them. [判断题]在设有接触网的线路上,严禁攀登车顶及在车辆装载的货物之上作业;如确需作业时,须在指定的线路上,将接触网停电接地并采取安全防护措施后,方准进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]数控编程我们在判断数控机床故障的方法中,最基本、最简单的方法是().
A. 利用硬件报警功能 B. 直观法 C. 利用软件报警功能 D. 备件置换法 [单项选择]Ne ________ pas comment les joindre, nous n’avons pas pu les prévenir de notre départ urgent.
A. savons B. sachions C. sachant D. savions [单选题]道岔维修捣固的作业范围包括岔区及其前后各( )的线路。[321020206]
A.10m B.25m C.30m D.50m [简答题]为什么马斯洛的心理学是第三思潮?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]动车组供电保温时,车辆部门须指派专人巡视。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]风湿性心脏病二尖瓣狭窄患者出现咯血的主要原因是()
A. 右心室舒张末压力增高 B. 肺静脉压力增高 C. 左心室舒张末压力增高 D. 肺动脉血压增高 E. 中心静脉压增高 [判断题]多线控制盘的手动锁用于选择手动工作模式操作权限,“允许”和“禁止”状态可根据需要通过面板钥匙手动切换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对需长期使用矫形器的患者,为了解矫形器的使用效果及病情变化,随访间隔时间应为()
A. 半个月或1个月 B. 2个月 C. 3个月或半年 D. 1年 E. 2年 [单选题](618711)增铊是标有标称质量和所适用的杠杆系臂比的具有半径状槽口的( )砝码。(1.0分)
A.长方形 B.正方形 C.圆柱形 D.椭圆形 [单项选择]在传播材料预试验中,听取有关领导对该材料的修改意见属于()
A. 可读性试验 B. 重点人群调查 C. 把关人调查 D. 问卷调查 E. 剧场测试 [多项选择]根据《水利工程设计概(估)算编制规定》,建筑及安装工程费用中的税金包括______。
A. 增值税 B. 耕地占用税 C. 城市维护建设税 D. 教育费附加 E. 营业税 [单项选择]女性,70岁,5年前经过超声心动图诊断为扩张型心肌病,平时无症状。该患者应当长期服用的药物是()
A. 地高辛 B. 呋塞米(速尿) C. 硝酸盐 D. 螺内酯(安体舒通) E. β受体阻滞剂 [单选题]传统绩效评价在考量企业绩效时,出现的问题不包括( )。
A.只以财务衡量为主 B.忽视了企业外在因素 C.忽视企业长期需要 D.具备较强的产品创新能力 [单项选择]若将机件放在一个透明的六面体中间,采用正投影方法分别向()投影面投影而得出六个基本视图。
A. 四个 B. 五个 C. 六个 [单项选择]()编制了世界上第一个正式的心理测验。
A. A.高尔登(Gahon) B. B.比内(Binet) C. C.卡特尔(M.Cattell) D. D.奥蒂斯(S.Otis) 我来回答: 提交