{{I}}Questions 14-17 are based on the following dialogue.{{/I}} |
{{B}}An Early Form of Jazz Music{{/B}} Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. At the turn of the last century, {{U}} (51) {{/U}}jazz was born, America had no prominent. {{U}} (52) {{/U}}of its own. No one knows exactly when it was invented or by whom. But it began to be{{U}} (53) {{/U}}in the early 1890s. Jazz is America’s contribution to{{U}} (54) {{/U}}music. In contrast to classical music, which{{U}} (55) {{/U}}formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free in form. It bubbles with energy, {{U}} (56) {{/U}}the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz{{U}} (57) {{/U}}like America. And so it does today. The{{U}} (58) {{/U}}of the music are as int A. classical B. sacred C. popular D. serious [单选题]描述一个多轴无人机地面遥控发射机是“日本手”,是指
A. 右手上下动作控制油门或高度 B. 左手上下动作控制油门或高度 C. 左手左右动作控制油门或高度 [单选题]在任意三相电路中,( )
A.三个相电压的相量和必为零 B.三个线电压的相量和必为零 C. 三个线电流的相量和必为零 D.三个相电流的相量和必为零 [判断题]卧室中就比较适合使用白炽灯等冷色调令人感觉温暖的照明设备,这样会营造出一个属于自己的悠闲空间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]TIG焊接Ocr19Ni9不锈钢时最好选用含钛元素的焊丝来控制( )和提高焊缝抗晶间腐蚀能力。
A.夹渣 B.气孔 C.裂纹 D.焊瘤 [单项选择]高温设备不能急骤降温,避免造成设备损伤,以切断热源后强制通风或自然冷却为宜,一般要求设备内介质温度要( )。
A. 高于30℃ B. 低于30℃ C. 高于60℃ D. 低于60℃ [单选题]省物资公司将《新增小类申请表》审查报告报省公司物资部审核通过后,由省物资公司将盖有省公司物资部章的申请表及佐证材料通过内网邮件于每月()前上报国网审批。
A.10日 B.15日 C.20日 D.25日 [单选题]线路平纵断面设计应重视线路空间曲线的( ),提高旅客乘坐舒适度。
A.安全性 B.平顺性 C.可靠性 D.稳定性 [单项选择]我国目前规定300万kW以上的系统频率允许变化范围为()Hz。
A. f=50±0.1 B. f=50±0.2 C. f=50±0.5 D. f=50±1.0 [单选题]患者男,41岁。近期出现头晕、乏力,连续3天血压140~150/90~96mmlHg。患者的血压属于
A. 正常值 B. 正常高值 C. 1级高血压 D. 2级高血压 E. 3级高血压 我来回答: 提交