Awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1918, German physicist Max Planck is best remembered as the originator of the quantum theory. His work helped usher in a new era in theoretical physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. Planck introduced an idea that led to the quantum theory, which became the foundation of twentieth century physics. In December 1900, Planck worked out an equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low to high frequencies. He had developed a theory which depended on a model of matter that seemed very strange at the time. The model required the emission of electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or particles. These particles were later called quantums. The energy associated with each quantum is measured by multiplying the freque A. a model of matter B. emission of electromagnetic radiation C. quantums D. the equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of low to high frequencies [简答题] 1. Get ready to play.
Like other types of creativity, social inventiveness flourishes when you begin thinking outside conventional boundaries. Charlie Girsch, a St. Paul, Minnesota based creativity consultant, suggests that you start by playing with obviously absurd explanations for everyday, events. If traffic is slow, you’’ll be tempted to say, Hmm. Must be an accident up ahead. Instead, try saying, Must be a family of turtles crossing the highway or I expect there’s some kind of alien abduction going on. ’’You’’ll be amazed how soon you will be looking at familiar problems in new ways. "Girsch’’s book, Fanning the Creative Spirit (Creativity Central, 1999) has scores of other exercises for limbering up the inventive part of your brain.
2. Generate a zillion far = fetched ideas.
Concerned about the homeless in your neighborhood Imagine a Homeless Parliament, a Homeless Circus, homeless families forming an orchestra, a homeless museum.., and on and on. Generate like
[多选题] 客户存在销售假冒商标卷烟总额在500.0.元以下、500.元及以上,或数量在50.条以下、5.条及以上的违约行为时,应给与()的处理
A.减少80.%紧俏牌号供应数量24.周 B.取消选点投放牌号销售资格24.周 C.停止营销资源支持24.周 D.减少100.%所涉卷烟及天价烟预警规格供应数量24.周 [单选题]下列不属于行政强制措施的是( )。
A.公安机关对违反治安管理行为人张某强制传唤 B.公安机关查封涉嫌为赌博提供条件的娱乐场所 C.公安机关扣押张某盗窃的财物 D.公安机关对违法行为人黄某加处罚款 [单项选择]医疗单位对药品实行几级管理( )
A. 一级 B. 二级 C. 三级 D. 四级 E. 六级 [单选题]城乡污水处理厂、污水泵站、垃圾无害化处理厂(场)、垃圾中转站的生产,应执行( )电价。
A.大宗工业 B.普通工业 C.非居民 D.农业生产 [单项选择]蟾酥的药用部位是()
A. 贝壳 B. 干燥分泌物 C. 角 D. 除去内脏的干燥体 E. 病理产物 [单项选择]关于三相气雾剂描述错误的是()
A. 一般指混悬型气雾剂与乳剂型气雾剂 B. 一般由气-液-液,气-液-固三相组成 C. 在气-液-固中固相是难溶性药粉 D. 在气-液-固中气相是抛射剂所产生的蒸气 E. 在气-液-固中液相是抛射剂 [单选题]主要采用专家判断法确定的效度指标是()。
A.预测效度 B.构想效度 C.效标关联效度 D.内容效度 [单项选择]超声波在有机玻璃中的纵波声速为()。
A. 2730m/s B. 5900m/s C. 3230m/s D. 6250m/s [单项选择]有人说:“秘书就是领导的出气筒”。这句话从某种角度上说是()的。
A. 有道理 B. 不对 C. 没有意义 D. 值得怀疑 [单项选择]指当事人依法行使解除权或双方协商决定提前解除合同效力的行为称为()。
A. 合同无效 B. 合同废除 C. 合同解除 D. 合同终止 [多选题]银行需要按照《金融机构大额交易和可疑交易报告管理办法》的规定将以下哪些交易作为大额交易进行报告()
A.银行的某自然人客户通过该银行向境外单笔现金汇款人民币10万元 B.银行的某自然人客户通过该银行向境外单笔转账汇款人民币10万元 C.银行的某自然人客户向境内 D.银行的某自然人客户转账人民币100万元 E.银行的某自然人客户向境内 F.银行的某非自然人客户转账人民币50万元 [单选题]1对一字形. 开口形脚手架连墙件的设置规定( ):
A.是相同的 B.要求较低 C.无特别考虑 D.更为严格,有专门规定 [单选题]以下哪一个融合创新市场资质要求较高()
A.营区安防建设; B.政治工作宣传方面(党政APP等开发); C.互联网进军营(手机管控等); D.武器装备研发 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]火场破拆方法中的()是利用消防安全绳、消防挠钩等简易器材工具进行破拆。
A.爆破法 B.冲撞法 C.砸撬法 D.拉拽法 [单选题]监管当局规定的银行必须持有的与其业务总体风险水平相匹配的资本称为( )。
A.账面资本 B.会计资本 C.监管资本 D.经济资本 [单选题]从事电气作业的人员应掌握( )等救护法。
A.触电急救 B.紧急救护 C.创伤急救 D.人工呼吸 [简答题]问题同上
[单选题]哌唑嗪是( )
A.α1受体阻断药 B.α2受体激动药 C.M受体激动药 D.β1受体激动药 E.N受体激动药 我来回答: 提交