Americans are getting ready for the
biggest soccer event in the world. For the first time the World Cup soccer
competition will be held in the United States. While millions play the game
around the world, soccer, or football has only recently become popular here. It
is only in the last 30 years that large numbers of young Americans became
interested in soccer, Now it is the fastest growing sport in the country. A
recent study found that almost I8 million young boys and girls play soccer in
the United States. The study also found that soccer is beginning to replace more traditional games like American football as the most popular sport among students. And so, when the World Cup begins next week, more than one million Americans are expected to go and see the teams’ play. Organizers say this year’ s World Cup will be the biggest A. There have been attempts to start a professional soccer organization in the U.S. B. In the 12th century soccer games in Britain often involved whole towns. C. Professional soccer grew quickly in Europe. D. Experts believed that the United States would win. [单选题]普通账户对账率达到( )。
A.85%; B.90%; C.95%; D.100%。 [单选题](单选题)男,40岁,原有风湿性心瓣膜病主动脉瓣关闭不全,因劳累性呼吸困难1周就诊。体检:胸骨 左缘第3、4肋间有舒张期哈气样杂音,心尖部有舒张期杂音。
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A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]语文教学的理论之源()。
A. 夸美纽斯 B. 柏拉图 C. 赫尔巴特 D. 佩斯·泰洛奇 [单选题]健全行政裁决制度,强化行政机关解决同行政管理活动密切相关的()功能。
A.A行政纠纷 B.B经济纠纷 C.C民事纠纷 D.D商事纠纷 [单项选择]深井泵的效率是水力效率、容积效率、机械效率三者之()
A. 和 B. 差 C. 积 D. 商 我来回答: 提交