same department package bag advance pay
cost depend deliver service includes all
This is the Express Company. We’ve recently expanded our business. The expanded business (51) the three main services as follows:
The prepaid express bag service. That means you buy the bags in (52) and just give us a call for a quick pick up at any time. The delivery of a (53) is made the next day to all major cities in the United States. The (54) is $10 a bag.
The second one is the same day service. The express can go to you, and (55) a letter or a small parcel within this city in the same day. The cost for the (56) day service delivery is $8.
For the large packages, we offer the express road (57) . We’ll deliver to any town in the United States. Delivery time and cost (58) on the distance and the weight of the (59)
For further details of any of these services
What makes Americans spend nearly half
their food dollars on meals away from home The answers lie in the way Americans
live today. During the first few decades of the twentieth century, canned and
other convenience foods freed the family cook from full-time duty at the kitchen
range. Then, in the 1940s, work in the wartime defense plants took more women out of the home than ever before, setting the pattern of the working wife and mother. Unless family members pitch in with food preparation, women are not fully liberated from that chore. It’s easier to pick up a bucket of fried chicken on the way home from work or take the family out for pizzas or burgers than to start opening cans or heating up frozen dinners after a long, hard day. Also nowadays, the rising divorce rate means that there are more single workin A. want to have freedom at table B. are not good at using forks and knives while eating C. wash dishes after each meal D. take eating time as a fun break [判断题]井下电气设备检修必须严格执行相关规程规定和工作程序,并悬挂标志牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]主变瓦斯保护是非电量保护。(1分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]CCRM系统客户群组的主要应用包括()。
A. 三级核心客户管理 B. 客户分类管理 C. 行业监测 D. 多层集团管理 [多选题]一般规定(____)敷设的电缆上方沿线土层内应铺设带有电力标识的警示带。
A. 电缆沟 B. 直埋 C. 排管 D. 隧道 [单选题]链接克隆虚拟机的差异化数据存储在哪种类型磁盘中?
A.差分卷 B.普通延迟置零卷 C. SSD D.普通卷 [填空题]可通过信号加重杆特点:接在仪器(),避免由于重力和应力而影响()。
A.四分之一 B.三分之一 C.二分之一 D.一倍 [单项选择]某地突发强烈地震,在公安民警建制不清楚的情况下,( )优先负责指挥。
A. 行政职务高的民警 B. 警衔高的民警 C. 行政警衔高的民警 D. 有抗震作战经验的民警 [判断题] 繁忙干线封锁正线8h及以上或影响全站(全场)信联闭4h及以上的施工属于营业线Ⅰ级施工。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Sport psychology research has documented the important rote of significant adults such as parents and coaches in youth participants’ psychosocial development and achievement motivation. However, the situation concerning parents and coaches in youth sport is somewhat of a conundrum—the roles of coach and parent are often synonymous, suggesting not simply an independent relationship with the child participant. [判断题]龙头加工企业使用粮食收购(调销)贷款的,收购季(调入)结束后,企业回笼销售货款可提前逐步归还粮食收购(调销)贷款,或在粮食收购(调销)贷款形成的粮食出库时,按照出库进度及时收回相应的粮食收购(调销)贷款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](65337)牵引电动机小修时,应测量( )。(2.0分)
A.电枢对地绝缘电阻 B.电枢轴承内圈和轴的接触电阻 C.电枢片间电阻 D.电机主极绕组、附加极与补偿绕组阻值 [单选题]用来测量、检验零件和产品尺寸和形状的工具称为()。
A.量具 B.工具 C.万能量具 [单项选择]不溶于血液,并阻塞血管腔的异常物质称为()
A. 淤血 B. 血栓形成 C. 栓子 D. 梗死 E. 栓塞 [单项选择]A typical application of this (71) is ADSL. It is emerging as the technology for home-and small-office Internet connectivity. It provides either 1.5 Mb/s~8 Mb/s from the network to the user and 64 kb/s~512 kb/s in the reverse direction depending on the distance, 12000 or 18000 feet. The different speed for each direction gives it the (72) label. ADSL is designed to take advantage of the fact that video-on demand, telecommuting, and Internet access traffic are inherently asymmetrical. The user (73) a brief message up to the network and receives a ton of data coming back, either a movie or a piece of data download. Under such a scenario, low-speed traffic to the network is just fine. ADSL .delivers high (74) where you need it and only uses a single copper pair. Through multiplexing, it also reserves (75) of the bandwidth for POTS.
A. asymmetric B. compressed C. irregularity D. symmetric 我来回答: 提交