There have been three periods in the
history of post-war broadcast interviewing. The first, "the age of respect",
when it was an honour to have you, the interviewee, on the programme, lasted
until the middle 50s. The second, "the age of supremacy", when politicians in
particular looked upon the interviewers as rivals who made them feel
uncomfortable by their knowledge and rigour of questioning, came to an end at
the beginning of this decade. Now we are in "the age of evasion", when most
prominent interviewees have acquired the art of seeming to answer a question
whilst bypassing its essential thrust. Why should this be From the complexity of causes responsible for the present commonplace interview form, a few are worth singling out, such as the revolt against rationality and the worship of feeling in its place. To the young A. there are too many current affairs programs B. standards in broadcasting have declined C. the cost of broadcasting has increased D. broadcasters have become less popular [多项选择]工作许可管理制度规定,违反以下规定并造成后果的,提高一级处罚()
A. 工作许可后,擅自降低安全生产条件的 B. 未经有效的测量、现场核实签证许可工作的 C. 接到违反本制度规定行为的报告后,不及时制止处理的 D. 违反授权管理许可工作的 E. 工作许可后,擅自变更工作范围、内容、工期的 [判断题]使用棍类就便器材制服暴恐分子的动作要点可参照防暴警棍的动作要点。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]配送电单位送(停)电作业人员应持有效电工作业证;而施工单位安装临时用电线路的电气作业人员可以没有电工作业证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]变压器气体继电器发出轻瓦斯动作信号时处理要求?
( )采集数据。
[判断题] 擅自接线用电之外的窃电行为,所窃电量按计费电能表最大电流值所指的容量乘以实际窃用的时间计算确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Questions 11~15
It’s estimated that every year 100,000 children aged 16 and under run away from home. The London Refuge, an unremarkable house on an unremarkable street, is the only place in Britain that will give them a bed. Last year it gave sanctuary to 238 children of whom the youngest was 11. What happened to the other 99,762 Nobody knows, although it’s a fair bet that some of them ended up on the streets, that some fell into inappropriate and dangerous company, that some didn’t survive. "The mere fact that they’re running away puts them at risk," says Lorna Simpson, the refuge’s deputy manager. "On the streets they’ 11 mix with other young people. They’ re so naive; they don’t understand that people who are nice to them will want payback. Our job is to make them safe. " Simpson, a former social worker, is a calm woman of great warmth. The refuge has six beds and has been open since 1993, often with the threat of closure hanging over it. The problem has nothing to do wit A. for its failure to meet the demand B. for lack of money C. because of its poor service D. because of limited accommodation [判断题]多年冻土区路基不需要铺设高效保温层或防冻层。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CMM是哪种设备的简称()。
A.划线仪 B.三座标测量机 C.高度尺 D.游标卡尺 [多选题] 以下属于支撑序列岗位的是( )。
A.质检员 B. 内训师 C.管理维护员 D.质检班长 [单选题]1.11 经公安机关破案发还的被盗抢且已向原机动车所有人理赔完毕的机动车,其来历证明是________。
A.《权益转让证明书》 B.二手车交易发票 C.公证书 D.《民事调解书》 [填空题]下列程序的输出结果是 【9】 。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main( ) int i=3; int &r=i; r=5; cout<<i<<endl; return 0; [单项选择]医患双方当事人对患者死因有异议的,应当尸检。当地不具备尸体冻存条件的,尸检的期限是
A. 在患者死亡后12小时内进行 B. 在患者死亡后24小时内进行 C. 在患者死亡后36小时内进行 D. 在患者死亡后48小时内进行 E. 在患者死亡后60小时内进行 [判断题]气瓶不得与带电物体接触。氧气瓶不得沾染油脂。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Who do you think will ______ now that the governor has been dismissed
A. take off B. take on C. take over D. take up 我来回答: 提交