Elderly people respond best to a calm
and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to provide as their behavior
can sometimes be irritating, ff they got excited or upset then they may become
more confused and more difficult to look after. Although sometimes it can be
extremely difficult, it is best to be patient and not get upset yourself. You
should always encourage old people to do as much as possible for themselves but
be ready to lend a helping hand when necessary. Failing memory makes it difficult for the person to recall all the basic kinds of information we take for granted. The obvious way to help in this situation is to supply the information that is missing and help them make sense of what is going on. You must use every opportunity to provide information but remember to keep it simple and straightforward. "Good morning, Mum. This is A. Providing a calm and unhurried environment. B. Giving encouragement. C. Providing simple and straightforward information. D. Providing psychotherapy. [单选题]下列叙述中,错误的是:
A.计算机要经常使用,不要长期闲置不用 B.为了延长计算机的使用寿命,应避免频繁开关计算机 C.计算机使用几小时后,应关机休息一会 D.在计算机附近应避免磁场干扰 [多项选择]某工程实行施工总承包模式,承包人将基础工程中的打桩工程分包给某专业分包单位施工,施工过程中发现地质情况与勘察报告不符而导致打桩施工工期拖延。在此情况下,()可以提出索赔。
A. 承包人向发包人 B. 承包人向勘察单位 C. 分包人向发包人 D. 分包人向承包人 E. 发包人向监理 [简答题]Martin begged his mother to pardon him, ______ (保证以后考试不现作弊了).
A.财务报表中的数据用于预测未来发展趋势,只有参考价值,并非绝对合理 B.财务报表是根据会计准则编制,在可靠性原则指引下,能准确地反映企业的客观实际 C.在比较分析法下,即使和同行标准比较,也有可能得出不合理的结论 D.不同企业计算出来的同一财务指标,也并非一定具有可比性 [判断题]列车进入区间发现未携、错携、遗失行车凭证并停车后,司机应与车站值班员(列车调度员)联系,车站值班员(列车调度员)应组织列车退回站内或运行至前方站。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,11岁,外伤冠折,断面位于龈上2mm,X线示该牙经过完善的根管治疗,根尖孔已闭合,叩(-)。松(-),此时做何种处理()
A. 暂时桩冠修复 B. 拔除残根,种植义齿修复 C. 塑料全冠修复 D. 直接烤瓷桩核冠修复 E. 都不对 [单项选择](一) 矿山安全技术
石门揭煤突出危险性预测的主要方法,不包括( )。 A. 综合指标法 B. 钻屑指标法 C. 钻孔瓦斯涌出初速度法 D. 钻孔瓦斯涌出初速度结合瓦斯涌出衰减系数 [单选题] 常用抽油杆的最大公称直径是( )㎜。
A.25 B.29 C.22 D.19 我来回答: 提交