Government is the political system by which a (1) or community is administered and regulated. Most of (2) key words commonly used to describe governments, words (3) as monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy, are of Greek (4) Roman origin. They have been current for more (5) 2,000 years and have not yet exhausted their (6) . This suggests that mankind has not changed very (7) since they were coined; but such verbal and (8) uniformity must not be allowed to hide the (9) changes in society and politics that have occurred. (10) earliest analytical use of the term monarchy occurred (11) ancient Athens, chiefly in Plato’s dialogues, but even (12) Plato’s time the word was not self-explanatory. There (13) a king in Macedon and a king in Persia, (14) the two societies, and therefore their institutions, (15) radical [简答题]地质监督日志填写要求,应填写油气上窜的高度、________、静止时间,录井仪器运行及校验情况。
A. 增加 B. 减少 C. 维持不变 D. 相对增加 [简答题]焊装车间生产区域内“十不准”有哪些?
[单选题]中国人民解放军解放大陆的最后一战是( )。
A.昌都战役 B.海南岛战役 C.厦门战役 [多选题]训练前准备工作包括()。
A.制定安全措施 B.进行安全教育 C.检查场地器材 D.做好准备活动 E.大会动员 [单项选择]禁用热水坐浴的病人是()。
A. 妊娠后期 B. 外阴都出血 C. 痔疮术后 D. 肛门部充血 E. 阴道炎 [单选题]关于社会主义过渡时期总路线错误的说法是()。
A.以发达的社会主义为目标 B.过渡时期结束的标志是社会主义改造结束 C.以单一的社会主义公有制和计划经济体制为目标 D.主要内容是“一化三改” [填空题]申请人持《网约车登记证明》及相关材料到市公安部门办理车辆变更,市公安部门在受理申请5个工作日内,对车辆的交通事故处理情况和交通违法记录进行审核,已通过审核的车辆,登记或变更为()。
[单选题] 调速把在旋转( )时,电机应停止工作。
A.10 B.20 C.30 [判断题]可以把侦查措施看成引导案件侦破的十八般武器。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]160km/h≥υmax>120km/h正线道岔,作业验收,水平静态几何尺寸允许偏差管理值为4mm ( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()的出现给市场的发展提供了机遇,因为它使得市场总是处于流动和不定的状态。
A. 蝴蝶效应 B. 青蛙效应 C. 反射理论 D. 荣枯相生 [单项选择]{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}