Dalton wondered why the heavier and
lighter gases in the atmosphere did not separate as oil and water do. He finally
concluded that the constituent (61) must exist in the form of
tiny particles or atoms and that these (62) be completely
mixed together in the atmosphere. This threw a new light in (63)
law of definite proportions. It was only necessary to suppose that the atoms
(64) combine into small groups of uniform (65)
and so form more complex substance; (66) the
mystery of this law was (67) . Dalton suggested, for
example, that carbon monoxide (68) formed by the one with
one (69) of atoms of carbon and oxygen, (70)
carbon dioxide results from a single (71) of
carbon uniting with two atoms of oxygen. Assuming this to be true,
(72) the definite p A. should B. were C. get D. could [单选题]骨肉瘤的好发部位是( )
A.扁骨 B.短骨干骺端 C.长骨干骺端 D.长骨骨干 E.关节面软骨 [单选题]任何单位和( )都有参加有组织的灭火工作的义务。
A.公民 B.居民 C.个人 D.成年人 [单选题]五味子的主治病证不包括
A.自汗、盗汗 B.久泻不止 C.久咳、虚喘 D.遗精、滑精 E.蛔厥呕吐 [多选题]公司各级单位应贯彻国家法律、法规和行业有关制度标准及其他规范性文件,补充完善安全管理规章制度和现场规程,使安全工作( )。
A. 制度化 B. 规范化 C. 标准化 D. 流程化 [单项选择]患者右下第一前磨牙及右上第一,第二磨牙残根,既往曾有风湿性心脏病史10余年,现存在二尖瓣狭窄,心功能Ⅰ级。对此患者施行牙拔除术时须慎重,否则容易引起的严重并发症是()。
A. 颊间隙感染 B. 颌下间隙感染 C. 干槽症 D. 败血症 E. 亚急性细菌性心内膜炎 [单项选择]奥林匹克运动会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,两者均4年举行1次。夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会的会期包括开幕式不超过()
A. 16天 B. 一个月 C. 半个月 D. 20天 [单选题]使用开塞露辅助老年人排便,从肛门注入后一般应保留( )。
A. 1-2 分钟 B. 2-5 分钟 C. 10 分钟 D. 30 分钟以上 我来回答: 提交