{{B}}Forty May Be the New 30 As Scientists Redefine
Age{{/B}} Is 40 really the new 30 In many ways people today act younger than their parents did at the same age. Scientists have defined a new age concept and believe it could explain why populations are aging, but at the same time seem to be getting younger. Instead of measuring aging by how long people have lived, the scientists have factored in how many more years people can probably still look forward to. "Using that measure, the average person can get younger in the sense that he or she can have even more years to live as time goes on," said Warren Sanderson of the University of New York in Stony Brook. He and Sergei Scherbov of the Vienna Institute of Demography (人口统计学) at the Austrian (奥地利的) Academy of Sciences, have used their me A. "future years". B. "average years". C. "past years". D. "school years". [多选题]个人保安线装设时,应先接( ),且接触良好、连接可靠。拆个人保安线的顺序与此( )。
A.导体端 B.相同 C.接地端 D.相反 [单选题]各省、自治区、直辖市的卷烟、雪茄烟年度总产量计划由()下达。
A.国务院烟草行政主管部门 B.省、自治区、直辖市烟草行政主管部门 C.国务院计划部门 D.省、自治区、直辖市计划部门 [多选题]发生铁路交通事故,有( )情形之一,未构成较大以上事故的,为一般A类事故。
A.造成2人死亡 B.造成5人以上10人以下重伤。 C.造成500万元以上1000万元以下直接经济损失。 D.客运列车脱轨2辆以上18辆以下。 [多选题]5.86. 第86题
为减少电压互感器的二次导线压降应采取的措施有( )。 A.敷设电能表专用的二次回路 B.增大导线截面 C.增加转接过桥的串接接点 D.采用电压误差补偿器 [单选题]变电站隔离开关分合闸位置“双确认”改造技术规范(试行)要求,姿态传感器及微动开关,工作相对湿度:5%~( )%。
A.85 B.90 C.95 D.100 [单选题]机组拦污栅应在机组停机时进行清扫或检修,并做好防止机组( )的安全措施。
A.跳闸 B.启动 C.停机 D.以上都对 [多选题]火场基本安全因素主要是指火场常见的()等危害因素。 *
A.火焰; B.高温; C.浓烟; D.缺氧; E.爆炸; [单选题]面部美容按摩时,美容师的指甲应( )。
A.修饰漂亮 B.做水晶甲 C.剪短 D.涂甲油 [单选题]单机挂风动石砟车组时,准挂( )辆。
A.20 B.11 C.10 D.5 [单选题]目前我国的分水器主要分为( )(易)
A.二分水器 B.三分水器 C.二分水器和三分水器 D. 集水器 我来回答: 提交