A firm’s cash flows can be divided into
cash flow from: (1) operating activities (2) investment activities, and (3)
financing activities. The operation activity cash flows are cash flows--inflows
and outflows--directly related to origination and sale of the financial firm’s
assets and to operating costs such as general market activities, security
trading activities, interest received and foreclosed collateral. Investment
activity cash flows are cash flows and financial investments. Clearly, purchase
transactions would result in cash outflows whereas sales transaction would
generate cash inflows. The financing activity cash flows result from debt and
equity financing transactions. Borrowing and repaying either short - term
debt or long - term debt would result in a corresponding cash inflow or outflow.
Similarly, the sale of common or preferred stock would A. security trading activity B. operating activity C. investment activity D. financing activity [判断题]严禁带负荷操作刀闸、带接地线合闸、带电挂接地线和作业前不验电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]疾病保险是指以发生约定疾病为给付保险金条件的保险。这种保险是以被保险人是否罹患某种疾病作为承担保险责任的决定因素理赔依据是() 查看解析
A.被保险人支出的医疗费 B.医疗服务提供者的疾病诊断 C.被保险人是否罹患某种疾病后收入的中断或减少 D.被保险人的护理费用 E.被保险人的住院天数 [单选题]HXD1C机车撒砂试验可以在( )工况下进行。
A.向前牵引 B.向后牵引 C.牵引运行 [单项选择]表达式4*3^2-1/2+3^2的值为
A. 26.5 B. 45.5 C. 44.5 D. 20.5 [单项选择]某卫生防疫站调查甲、乙两学校二年级学生蛔虫感染率均为33%,但甲校调查300人,乙校调查135人,两校蛔虫感染率95%置信区间()。
A. 甲校比乙校范围大 B. 乙校比甲校范围大 C. 甲校比乙校可信程度高 D. 乙校比甲校可信程度高 E. 以上都不正确 [单选题]
2台泵并联工作时,它们的( )相同。 A.出入口流量 B.功率 C.出入口压力 D.效率 [单选题]()的输出电流总能保持定值或一定的时间函数,且输出电流与其两端电压无关。
A.理想电流源 B.理想电压源 C.实际电流源 D.实际电压源 [简答题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,发生旅客伤害事故时,旅客可向事故<--NRC-->请求赔偿。
[单选题]铁塔基础腿中,同组地脚螺栓中心对立柱中心偏移10mm。 ()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交