Internet piracy refers to the use of
the Internet for illegally copying or distributing unauthorized software. In
these cases the Internet is the medium for advertising, offering, acquiring, or
distributing pirated software. The Business Software Alliance, a software industry trade association, estimates that there are 840 000 Internet sites selling illegal software as genuine product. Many consumers Who acquire software over the Internet never receive the programs they paid for. Others are not able to get their money back if they discover that the software they acquired is counterfeit. Disreputable Internet businesses often quickly vanish, leaving behind hundreds of dissatisfied consumers. The ease of creating a Website and then advertising and distributing software through the Internet has increased sales of pirated A. the ease of creating a website B. the ease of advertising and selling software through the Internet C. the explosive growth of e-commerce D. the abundance of professional-looking Internet sites [多项选择]关于减毒疫苗,下列说法正确的是
A. 是一种活疫苗 B. 属于第二代疫苗 C. 可以在宿主体内短暂的生长和增殖 D. 保存期长 E. 病毒有可能重新获得致病性 [多选题]劳动法基本原则的作用是( )。
A.指导劳动法的制定、修改和废除 B.指导劳动法的实施 C.有助于劳动法的理解、解释 D.可以直接适用 E.具有高度的可操作性 [单选题]生活方式营销是指以消费者所追求的生活方式为诉求,通过将公司的产品或品牌演化成某一种生活方式的象征,从而达到吸引消费者、建立起稳定的消费群体的目的。
A.在化妆品行业中,强调“美丽带来积极的生活状态” B.在商场促销中,强调“消费是一种时尚” C.减肥保健品强调“减肥是一种生活态度” D.空调产品强调“科技带来清凉生活” [判断题]商业银行对超过60岁的投资者进行风险承受能力评估时,应当充分考虑投资者年龄、相关投资经验等因素。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]健康风险评估包括()基本模块。
A.问卷调查 B.危险度计算 C.跟踪预测 D.评估报告 [多选题]手工铺砂法试验的测试步骤如下。(2)有关试验步骤,下列说法正确的有()。
A.不可直接用量砂筒装砂,以免影响量砂密度的均匀性 B.路面清扫面积不少于50cm×50cm C.摊铺时不可用力过大或向外推挤 D.同一处平行测定不少于2次,2个测点均位于轮迹带上,测点间距3~5m [填空题]能分清各责任单位的经济责任,便于辅助生产部门和各受益单位进行成本分析的辅助生产费用分配方法是()
[单选题] 汽轮机驱动的离心式压缩机流量调节一般采用( )。
A.调节回流阀开度 B.调节转速 C.调节入口阀开度 D.调节出口阀开度 [单项选择]具有祛风湿兼可解表功效的药物是()
A. 秦艽 B. 木瓜 C. 防己 D. 独活 E. 络石藤 我来回答: 提交