Greek mythology is largely made up of
stories about gods and goddesses, but it must not be read as a kind of Greek
Bible, an account of the Greek religion. According to the most modern idea, a real myth has nothing to do with religion. It is an explanation of something in nature; how, for instance, any and everything in the universe came into existence: men, animals, this or that tree or flower, the sun, the moon, the stars, storms, eruptions, earthquakes, all that is and all that happens. Thunder and lightning ale caused when Zeus hurls his thunderbolt. A volcano erupts because a terrible creature is imprisoned in the mountain and every now and then struggles to get free. The Dipper (大熊星座), the constellation (星座) called also the Great Bear, does not set below the horizon because a goddess once was angry at it and decreed (命令 A. has something to do with the explanation of nature B. is pure entertainment C. has something to do with science D. isclosely related to religion [多选题]支队的基本队形,分为 的支队横队、 的支队横队和支队纵队。
A.A、大队横队 B.B、大队并列纵队 C.C、大队纵队 D.D、大队并列横队 [判断题]火灾自动报警系统报警区域内每个防火分区,应至少设置一个手动火灾报警按钮 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]点燃式发动机点火系中,低压电路短路,当打开点火开关,观察电流表读数时,应该为( )。
A..等于10A B.大于10A C.小于10A D.以上均不对 [判断题]安全色中的黄色,表示提醒人们注意,凡是警告人们注意的器件、设备和环境都应以黄色表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]用绝缘自粘带对架空绝缘导线进行缠绕修补时,每圈绝缘自粘带间应撘压带宽的1/2,总厚度应不大于绝缘层损伤深度,且不少于两层.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]创新工作室应配备固定的场所,并配备( )、网络接入、打印机、工器具等设施。
A.办公设备 B.办公耗材 C.投影仪 D.电脑 [单选题]无砟道床静态检查周期为每()检查1遍。
A.年 B.半年 C.季度 D.月 [判断题]空气滤清器或进气道阻塞导致柴油机排气管冒黑烟。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交