Motorways are, no doubt the safest
roads in Britain. Mile (41) mile, vehicle for vehicle, you
axe much (42) likely to be killed or seriously injured than
on an ordinary road. On (43) hand, if you do have a serious
accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to (44)
than in a comparable accident (45) on the
roads. Motorways have no (46) bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and (47) speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is (48) in force, it is often treated with the contempt A. to B. for C. of D. on [判断题]动荷加载的方式有:惯性力加载、激振器加载、爆炸加载、液压加载
A. 实行级别管辖,但不实行地域管辖 B. 实行地域管辖,但不实行级别管辖 C. 既不实行级别管辖,也不实行地域管辖 D. 既实行级别管辖,也实行地域管辖 [多项选择]在北方的种植设计中,常绿树与落叶树的数量比一般为()116在北方的种植设计中,乔木与灌木之比一般为()
A. 1:1 B. 7:3 C. 3:1 D. 1:3 [判断题]在向客户提问时要尽可能地站在公司利益的立场上提问。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列哪种情况不为火警升级的原因( )
A.风力4级以上或者阵风7级以上.冰冻严寒等恶劣气候条件下发生的警情。 B.报告同一地点警情的电话持续增多,灾害扩大迹象明显的警情。 C.重大节日.重要政治活动期间或发生在政治敏感区域.重要地区的情况。 D.发生在人员密集处的火灾。 [单选题]死绳头在两个井架大腿上应系( )扣。
A.猪蹄 B.抬 C.拉 D.死 [多选题]起重时,重量达到起重设备额定负荷的90%及以上时,应( ),否则不准施工。
A.制定专门的安全技术措施 B.经本单位批准 C.作业时应有技术负责人在场指导 D.作业时应有工区领导在场指导 [单选题]存款人在我行首次开立个人结算账户的,只能开立一个I类账户。同一存款人开立Ⅱ类户Ⅲ类户的数量原则上()。
A.合计不超过三个 B.分别不超过三个 C.合计不超过五个 D.分别不超过五个 题型:单选题 [判断题]( )塞拉门系统中有门驱动电机。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Each nation has its own peculiar character which distinguishes it from others. But the peoples of the world have more points in common than points in which they differ. One type of person that is common in every country is the one who always tries to do as little as possible and to get as much as possible in return. His opposite, the man who is in the habit of doing more than is strictly necessary and who is ready to accept what is offered in return, is rare everywhere. [判断题]ABG018 5 3 2
浓盐酸在空气中会形成白雾是因为盐酸具有强烈的腐蚀性。( ) A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交