On September 7, 2001, a 68-year-old
woman in Strasbourg, France, had her gall bladder (胆囊) removed by surgeons’
operating, via computer from New York. It was the first complete
telesurgery procedure performed by surgeons nearly 4, 000 miles away from their
patient. In New York, Marescaux teamed up with surgeon Michel Gagner to perform the historic long-distance operation. A high-speed fiber-optic service provided by France Telecom made the connection between New York and Strasbourg. The two surgeons controlled the instruments using an advanced robotic surgical system, designed by Computer Motion Inc that enabled the procedure to be minimally invasive. The patient was released from the hospital after about 48 hours and regained normal activity the following week. The high-speed fiber-optic connection between New York and France made it possi A. difficult operations can be successfully performed all over the world now B. compared to the "third revolution" in surgery, the first two are less important C. all patients can be cured by a gall bladder-removal operation D. a new breakthrough has been made in surgery [填空题]严格落实每周一学、()、每季一检、每年一评的“四个一”机制。
[多选题] 自然灾害包括:和2项( )。
A. 突发性洪涝自然灾害 B. 突发性地质灾害自然灾害 C. 地震 D. 火灾 [单选题] 下列常用二极管符号中,光电二极管符号是
A. B. C. D. [单选题]站用电低压系统应采用三相四线制,系统的中性点( )接地。
A.直接 B.间接 C.不接地 [单选题]中医的肾子相当于
A.睾丸 B.附睾 C.阴茎 D.精索 E.睾丸及附睾 [单选题]正线是指连接车站并( )或直股伸入车站的线路。
A.最重 B. 贯穿 C.最终 D.不会 [单选题]双绞线标准568B的排列线线序?()
A.(1)白橙;(2)橙;(3)白绿;(4)绿;(5)白蓝;(6)蓝;(7)白棕;(8)棕 B.(1)白绿;(2)绿;(3)白橙;(4)橙;(5)白蓝;(6)蓝;(7)白棕;(8)棕 C.(1)白橙;(2)橙;(3)白绿;(4)绿;(5)白棕;(6)棕;(7)白蓝;(8)蓝 D.(1)白橙;(2)橙;(3)白绿;(4)蓝;(5)白蓝;(6)绿;(7)白棕;(8)棕 [简答题]电磁离合器种类及工作原理是什么?
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