As individuals, we are inherently more
bruited than a community. Although we can consult books and friends and critics,
in the end we are limited to our own single perspectives. We are only one
person--looking at the world from one place, one history, one pattern of
knowing. A community, on the other hand can see things through many eyes, many histories, many ways of knowing. The question is whether it dismisses or creatively makes use of and integrates that diversity. Communities are wise to the extent they use diversity well. The wisest know that every viewpoint represents a part of the truth and that it is through the cooperative creative interplay of the viewpoints that the wisest, most comprehensive and powerful truths emerge. So they engage in that interplay, that dialogue--a creative controversy or consensus proce A. collective wisdom is employed in the management of the community B. government is regarded as useless and unnecessary C. leaders must be powerful and wise enough to guide people D. people are allowed to do whatever they want to do [判断题]依据电力建设安全工作规程(DL5009.3-2013变电站),施工用电的布设应编入施工组织设计或作业指导书,并符合当地供电单位的有关规定。()
[单选题] 人生态度主要回答( )。
A.人为什么活着 B.世界的本源是什么 C.人应该怎样对待生活 D.什么样的人生才有意义 [判断题]塑炼过程实质上就是使橡胶的大分子链断裂,大分子链由长变短的过程。
[简答题]某装饰公司承接了寒冷地区某商场的室内外装饰工程。其中,室内地面釆用地面砖镶 贴,吊顶工程部分采用木龙骨,室外部分墙面为铝板幕墙,采用进口硅酮结构密封胶、铭塑 复合板,其余外墙为加气混凝土外镶贴陶瓷砖。施工过程中,发生如下事件:
事件一:因木龙骨为曱提供的材料,施工单位未对木龙骨进行检验和处理就用到工程 上。施工单位对新进场外墙陶瓷砖和内瑜转的啄水率进行了复试,对铝塑复合板核对了产品 质量证明文件。 -,
事件二:在送样待检时,为赶工期,施工单位未经监理工程师许可就进行了外墙饰面 砖镶贴施工,待复验报告出来,部分指标未能达到要求。
事件三:外墙面砖施工前,工长安排工人在陶粒空心砖墙面上做了外墙饰面砖样板 件,并对其质量验收进行了允许偏差的检验。
事件一中,施工单位对甲提供的木龙骨是否需要检查验收?木龙骨使用前应进行什 么技术处理?
[单项选择]查询“学生”表的所有记录并存储于表文件table1中的SQL语句是( )。
Frank Lloyd Wright probably is the greatest architect that the United States has ever produced. He was very (21) and had a natural ability (22) . His buildings were not only beautiful, but they were (23) functional. They fit their purposes very well. Wright’s churches, (24) make people feel like (25) . His office buildings make people (26) working, and his houses make people (27) comfortable, at home. However. Wright’s beautiful, (28) buildings are not the only reason (29) he is famous. There is another reason. [单选题]安全工器具应进行国家规定的型式试验、出厂试验和使用中的( )。
A.周期性试验 B.电气试验 C.机械试验 D.外观检查 [单选题]T8钢的含碳量为 ( )
A.0.0008 B.0.008 C.0.08 D.0.8 [单项选择]校园文化有自己的运行轨道和活动方式、内部系统,它可以不受或很少受社会大众文化的左右。这体现了校园文化的()
A. 多元性 B. 独立性 C. 超越性 D. 示范性 [判断题]CXT目前版本5.90已经支持测试过程中服务小区的拉线功能和5G工参导入功能
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某初产妇,妊娠38周,LOA,规律宫缩17h,宫口开大3cm,胎心140次/分,孕妇一般情况良好。宫缩持续约30s,间歇约10~15min,宫缩高峰时,子宫不硬,无头盆不称。
该产妇除有宫缩乏力外,还应诊断为 A. 第二产程延长 B. 活跃期延长 C. 活跃期缩短 D. 潜伏期延长 E. 潜伏期缩短 [多项选择]勘探的成果要满足()。
A. 确定井筒位置 B. 确定开采工艺的需要 C. 保证井田境界和矿井设计能不因地质情况而发生重大变化 D. 保证不致因煤质资料影响煤的洗选加工 E. 设计单位的需求 [简答题]调节器由于设置了保护电路,所以只有自动-硬手动的切换需要事先平衡才能实现无扰动切换。()
[单选题]患者女性,67岁。结肠癌入院2个月,现患者出现大量腹水,全身水肿,呼吸急促,端坐呼吸,近1周出现癌性发热,体温波动的范围极不规则,持续时间也不一定,体温曲线毫无规律。该患者由于全身水肿、高热、长期端坐呼吸,应注意做好的护理是( )
A.眼睛 B.皮肤 C.饮食 D.生命体征 E.口腔 [单选题]接班切头剪剪切钢板前,需确认( )表面是否光滑,防止测量辊划伤钢板表面,剪切完成第一块钢板后,需确认端部剪切质量。
A.测量辊 B.钢板 C.剪刃 [判断题]润滑油对金属有腐蚀作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]护士需要观察病人一般情况的内容包括
A. 面色、表情 B. 情绪变化 C. 用药效果 D. 活动耐力 E. 对治疗的反应 [判断题]看懂搞清液压系统,对管理好液压系统没多大用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]营业柜台在办理收、付款业务时,办理客户提交的付款凭证时,不包括()环节。
A. 验印 B. 付款 C. 查询 D. 审核 [单项选择]亲和素在50%硫酸铵溶液中的溶解度与何种物质相似()
A. 白蛋白 B. 球蛋白 C. 铜蓝蛋白 D. C反应蛋白 E. 血红蛋白 [多选题]集中抄表终端是对低压用户用电信息进行采集的设备,包
括 ( )。
A.集中器 B.电能表 C.采集器 D.载波模块 [多项选择]关于支票的下列表述中,正确的是( )。
A. 支票正联的出票日期必须使用中文大写 B. 支票的签发日期为实际的出票日期 C. 现金支票既可以提取现金,又可以办理转账 D. 支票正面不得有涂改痕迹,否则本支票作废 [单项选择]下列关于护理道德本质的描述不正确的是()。
A. 护理道德是一种社会意识形态 B. 护理科学发展的快慢对护理道德影响不大 C. 护理道德是一种职业道德 D. 护理道德受一定的社会经济关系的制约 E. 护理道德受社会道德的制约 [多选题] 运行中的安全阀开启后,哪些说法是正确的? 。
A. 应检查有无异常情; B. 应立即停车,重新校验安全阀 C. 应进行记录 D. 应立即更换安全阀 [单选题]吹扫有机物料管线以下说法不正确的是( )。
A.不可以直接吹扫流量计 B.吹扫前应先用水冲洗管线 C.用压缩空气吹扫有机物料管线 D.管线内物料可直接吹扫至地面 [单选题]使用单梯工作时,梯与地面的斜角度约为()。
A.60? B.40? C.30? D.45? [填空题]
Mark Twain, who wrote the story we’re going to read, traveled
quite a lot often because circumstamces, usually {{U}} (36) {{/U}}
circumstances, forced him to. He was born in Florida, Missouri in 1835 and moved
to Hannibal, Missouri with his family when he was about 4 years old. Most people
think he was born in Hannibal but that isn’t true. After his father died when he
was about 12, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left, so he could
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} more money. He worked for a while as a typesetter on
{{U}} (38) {{/U}} newspapers and then got a job as a river {{U}} (39)
{{/U}} on the Mississippi. Twain loved this job and many of his books show
it. The river job didn’t last, however, because of the {{U}} (40) {{/U}}
of the Civil War. Twain, was in the {{U}} (41) {{/U}} Army for just 2
weeks and then he and his whole {{U}} (42) {{/U}} went west to get away
from the war and the army. In Nevada and California Twain {{U}} (43)
[单选题]DNA复制时不需要以下哪种酶?( )
A.DNA指导的DNA聚合酶 B.RNA指导的DNA聚合酶 C.拓扑异构酶 D.连接酶 我来回答: 提交