Elanguest Accommodation,
Shared self catering student apartments
The school offers accommodation in SHARED self-catering student apartments. These can be booked together with the course. Each apartment is used by 5 to 9 students from Elanguest and you can reserve either a double room or a single room. The prices are quoted per person per day and not per apartment. This gives you the opportunity of sharing an apartment with other students even if you are coming to Malta on your own.
The prices per person per day in our SHARED apartments for 2002
Period Shared room Single Room
01 Jan -- 03 March £m 3.00 £m 4.50
04 March -- 30 June £m 4.50 £m 6.50
01 July -- 31 Aug £m 5.50 £m 7.50
01 Sept- 31 Oct £m 5.00 £m 7.00
01 Nov 15 Dec £m 3.50 £m 5.00
These apartments are equipped with the following:
Bed linen (which is laundered by the school on a regular basis, o
Middle born children will tell you that
they usually didn’t feel all that special while growing up. The first born had
his spot- carrier of the family banner and responsible for everything. The last
born had his comfy little role, but the middle born had no distinctive place to
call his own. Middle-borns just seem to be easily overlooked, and maybe that’s why there are so few pictures of them in the family photo album. There may be hundreds, seemingly thousands, of pictures of the firstborn. For some strange reason, however, which I have confirmed by polling middle-born children around the world, there are seldom many pictures of the middle child, and what photos there are have him included with the others—squeezed again between the older sibling and the younger sibling. Another thing that can be said of many middle-born children is that they typi A. (A) Form the complaints of middle children. B. (B) Form his own family situation. C. (C) By asking a lot of middle children. D. (D) By going to Oprah Winfrey’s show. [单选题]在矿区内,划归给一个矿井开采的那一部分煤田称为( )。
A.煤区 B.井田 C.采区 D.矿区 [判断题]出口食品生产企业应向各地的直属检验检疫局申请卫生注册、登记。 ( )
A.四逆散 B.逍遥散 C.温脾汤 D.大柴胡汤 E.痛泻要方 [单选题]三只单相电能表测三相四线电路有功功率电能时,电能消耗等于三只表的( )。
A.A.几何和 B.代数和 C.分数值 D.相量和 [单选题]安全检查标准规定()m以上的高层建筑,应当设置临时消防水源加压泵和输水管道。
A.24 B.30 C.35 D.40 [填空题]旋转炮塔出现以前,火炮只能安装在战船的侧翼,各舰队只能成平行纵队互相炮射。因此,将战船称为()。
A. 定点时注意唇弓凹到两侧唇峰的距离要相等 B. 术中出血较多时可随时用手捏紧唇部减少出血,便于操作 C. 唇弓缘的缝合对位极为重要,以免术后形成显著畸形 D. 缝合时应由外到内 E. 先缝合鼻底使鼻翼复位,然后缝合唇粘膜及口轮匝肌 [单选题]采用旁路作业方式进行电缆线路不停电作业时,旁路电缆两侧的环网柜等设备均应带断路器(开关),并预留备用间隔。负荷电流应( )旁路系统额定电流。
A.A.大于 B.B.等于 C.C.小于 D.D.不小于 [单项选择][听力原文] ??作家毛姆在刚刚发表小说时,没有什么名气,所以他的作品卖得不太好。为了吸引大家买他的小说,毛姆在报纸上登了一则广告:“我是年轻而英俊的百万富翁,现在还没有结婚,很想寻找一位合适的女士做妻子,她必须跟毛姆小说中的那个女孩儿差不多。”广告登出去后,毛姆的小说一下子全都卖出去了。 毛姆为什么登广告?()
A. 找合适的房子 B. 为了积累经验 C. 要找个人结婚 D. 想把书卖出去 [判断题] 将某些器件屏蔽起来,使其免受外界磁场的影响,这种措施叫磁屏蔽。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]男患,46岁,以“头痛、恶心、呕吐30分钟”为主诉来诊。查体:神清语利,肢体无明显瘫痪,颈强直(+)、双Kernig征(+)。辅助检查:脑脊液呈均匀一致血性。最不可能的诊断是
A.蛛网膜下腔出血 B.脑叶出血 C.壳核出血 D.尾状核头出血 E.小脑出血 [单选题]关于专线工单中的客户接口类型,说法错误的是()。
A.提勘查单时可以选“待确定” B.提开通单时必须明确 C.无需和客户确认 D.与带宽尽量匹配 [单选题]危险化学品有几大类?() ( )
A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11 我来回答: 提交