[单选题]高速列车通过隧道时,为减缓高速列车通过隧道产生的空气动力学效应,要设计( )。
[多选题]在( )进行动火作业,应填用动火工作票。
[单选题]103型分配阀用于( )上。
[单选题]443.在润滑系中安装有( ),以限制油压过高,保证油压正常
A. 咳嗽痰黄,咳痰不爽,咳甚则面红,表证不显著
B. 干咳无痰,咳甚则胸闷,鼻燥咽干,可伴表证
C. 咳嗽痰黄,口渴咽痛,可伴表证
D. 咳嗽痰少而粘,胸痛咳时尤甚,呼吸不利,可伴表证
E. 咳嗽,痰稀色白,口不渴,可伴表证
[填空题]向上级报告的重大事项,地市公司级单位应在( )小时内以电话形式向省公司级单位报告,书面报告应不晚于( )小时。
[单选题]疏散走道在防火分区处应设置常开( )级防火门。
A. A~G
B. J~Z
A. 去甲肾上腺素
B. 麻黄碱
C. 肾上腺素
D. 多巴胺
E. 异丙肾上腺素
A. 0.2mg/kg
B. 0.1mg/kg
C. 0.05mg/kg
D. 0.03mg/kg
E. 0.02mg/kg
[单选题]审核是为了获得审核证据并对其进行可观评价,以确定满足审核准则的程 度所进行的系统的、建立的并形成文件的过程,审核具有( )和独立性基本特 征。
A. 与用户协商降价
B. 与用户协商降标号
C. 不通知用户
D. 追回产品
[单选题]30m跨径预应力梁式桥静载试验,需配置以下哪些仪器( )。1)应变片和静态应变仪;2)电测位移计或精密光学水准仪;3)磁电式传感器;4)裂缝宽度观测仪和卷尺;5)频谱分析仪。
Egypt felled by Famine
Even ancient Egypt’s mighty pyramid builders were powerless in the face of the famine that helped bring down their civilization around 2180 BC.Now evidence gleaned from mud deposited by the River Nile suggests that a shift in climate thousands of kilometers to the south was ultimately to blame-and the same or worse could happen today.
The ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile’s annual floods to irrigate their crops. But any change in climate that pushed the African monsoons southwards out of Ethiopia would have been diminished these floods.
Dwindling rains in the Ethiopian highlands would have meant fewer plants to stablise the soil. When rain did fail it would have washed large amounts of soil into the Blue Nile and into Egypt, along with sediment from the White Nile.
The Blue Nile mud has a different isotope signature from that of the White Nile. So by analyzing isotope differences in mud deposi
A. The White Nile is the trunk of the River Nile.
B. The white Nile is the trunk of the Blue Nile.
C. The White Nile is a branch of the Blue Nile.
D. The White Nile and the Blue Nile are branches of the River Nile.
[单项选择]There are two kinds of division of labor: that based on age and that based on sex.
Division of labor by age results in the obvious biological fact that human beings (62) three major periods of development. In childhood, the human is in large part dependent upon adults for food, shelter, and other (63) ; he has neither the strength nor the skills to (64) for himself. Children, in most societies, have only light tasks as helpers (65) adults or none at all, and when duties are (66) , these are often regarded as educational, to prepare the child for his adult (67)
Adulthood is ordinarily the period of greatest vigor and ability. The adult man or woman (68) on full responsibility for the duties of his/her sex and special occupation. In many societies, in particular those (69) the technology requires physical strength and stamina, the adult in the prime of life (70) a dominant role
A. assigned
B. allotted
C. appointed
D. allocated
[单选题]从建筑外部能够看到火焰和烟雾时,指挥员在组织火情侦察的同时,命令参战人员携带战斗装备接近起火部位,铺设水带干线供水,做好进攻准备属于( )。
[简答题]Time was when the solar system had two watery worlds. 46) Directly next door to the warm. wet, loamy Earth was the warm, wet, loamy Mars, both planets covered with oceans and running with rivers-and both possibly teeming with life. Billions of years ago, however, the low-gravity Mars had both its air and water leak away, causing the planet to become the dead, freeze-dried place it is today.
That is what the prevailing thinking has been. Now, it appears that thinking may be wrong. 47) Recently, NASA released new images from the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft that suggest water may be flowing up and streaming onto the Martian surface-dramatically increasing the likelihood that at least part of the planet is biologically alive. "If these results prove true," says Ed Weiler, associate administrator of NASA’s Office of Space Science, "[they have] profound implications for the possibility of life."
Finding liquid water on Mars’ surface has never been easy-because it
[判断题]信号辅助继电器XFJ的自闭电路里没有串接自身的接点,而是串接主信号继电器ZXJ前接点构成自闭电路。( )[332040101]
[不定项选择题]资料:Google and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regarding the advent of self-driving cars, but on Sunday, Lyft threw down the ultimate challenge: A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft within a mere five years.
The bold claim was made by Lyft co-founder John Zimmer in a post on Medium outlining his company's vision for the next decade.
"Within five years a fully autonomous fleet of cars will provide the majority of Lyft rides across the country," said Zimmer, indicating that early versions of such cars have been in operation in San Francisco and Phoenix.
Usually when tech founders lay out their vision, it’s typical to hear grand claims that almost push the boundaries of believability. That's what tech innovation is about. But in the case of self-driving cars, the situation is a bit more complicated.
Uber has already begun rolling out self-driving car tests in Pittsburgh and Google is hard at work on the same kind of solution on the West Coast. Therefore, talk of getting self-driving cars on the road is, at this point, less about the technology and more about logistics. We know Google has enough cash to triple down on any initiative it decides to tackle. And as the current ride-sharing leader in the U.S., Uber has enough market share-powered credibility that a future including self-driving Uber cars isn't unrealistic.
Today there are some internet-based ride sharing system but to overcome the critical mass the system has to be real-time, automated and extremely easy to use.
However in the case of Lyft, which continues to struggle against Uber (one report claims that Uber has over 80 percent market share in the U.S.), such a short timeline toward rolling out a fleet of self-driving cars seems somewhat ambitious. Nevertheless, Zimmer continues his vision essay with even more bold predictions.
"By 2025, private car ownership will all but end in major U.S. cities," says Zimmer, a prediction that, if it turns out to be true, would mean it would take just eight years for the majority of the human-driven cars on U.S. roads to disappear. Possible? Sure. Likely? Eight years seems like, once again, a bit of wishful thinking on Zimmer's part.
Remember, it hasn't even been 10 years since the arrival of the iPhone, and as recent events prove, smartphones are still a category that can yield catastrophic results if not done right. And those are just mobile devices, not vehicles entrusted with transporting and protecting human lives.
To be fair, Zimmer's essay does offer some facts and figures in an attempt to back up his positions, but much of it doesn't appear to take into account variables such as the heavily embedded interests of automobile companies still relying on consumer auto sales, as well as the many legal and roadway logistics that will need to be addressed in order to bring about this massive transformation in such a short time.
Oddly, Zimmer's vision does little to address the millions of human jobs that will be lost once self-driving cars displace not only taxi drivers, but truck drivers.
"We believe that in the first five or more years following the introduction of autonomous vehicles, the need for human drivers will actually increase, not decrease," writes Zimmer. "When autonomous cars can only solve a portion of those trips, more Lyft drivers will be needed to provide service to the growing market of former car owners," writes Zimmer.
But what about after five years, when autonomous cars can provide full service? What about the human drivers? The pushback from human drivers losing work will likely be another, major ripple in the evolution of self-driving cars, as well as other automated systems entering U.S. society in coming years.
However, none of these logistical issues diminish Zimmer's ideas. His vision of the future of autonomous vehicles seems quite logical and in step with most who work in and watch the space closely. But the speed bump in accepting his vision wholesale is his ambitious self-driving car timeline in general, and for Lyft in particular.
A.arrange them neatly
B.present clearly
C.design correctly
D.suggest properly
[判断题]BCB013 3 3 3
裂解炉风机故障联锁动作后应该关小烟道档板。( )
[多选题]注水泥塞施工,水泥塞试压错误的时间是( )。
[判断题]人员密集场所的建设单位应当将消防设计文件报送公安机关消防机构审核。( )
A. 龈沟内是免疫区
B. 修复体边缘密合性好
C. 不易产生继发龋
D. 增进美观
E. 防止菌斑附着
A. 2~3%
B. 4~5%
C. 6~8%
[单项选择]既能开窍醒神,又能够治疗各种疮疡、咽喉肿痛、目疾、口疮等的常用药物是( )
A. 朱砂
B. 石菖蒲
C. 石膏
D. 芒硝
E. 冰片