A variety of significant, attractive short-term
benefits will drive the development of modern self-sufficient homes. These
include security from severe weather, climate changes, and natural disasters;
security from infectious diseases and related health problems; a fresh and
nutritious diet; a dependable food supply; and security from global unrest.
But the real benefit of Earth Homes will be the long-term sustainability of our planet. It should be no secret that the planet is experiencing unusual weather and climate abnormalities. The 10 hottest years in recorded history have all been in the last 15 years; the 1990s were the hottest decade on record. The Midwestern heat wave of 1995 killed 669 people in Chicago. In 1996, we had a season of record heat spells, and 1997 was the single warmest year on record—until 1998 shattered A. based on short-term benefits B. based on the long-term sustainability C. free from severe weather, climate changes, natural disasters, etc D. fresh and nutritious, free from global unrest [判断题]( )制作混酥面坯时,应选用颗粒细小的糖制品,如细砂糖、绵白糖或糖粉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某220kV变电站35千伏#1电容器原计划5月20小修,4月上旬发现因站内施工不当造成电容器损伤,申请提前至4月10日进行小修,省调批复同意,则其检修时间应按( )计算。
A. A.计划检修 B.B.非计划检修 [单项选择]依据施工合同示范文本通用条款的约定,承包人要求增加图纸套数时,发包人应代为复印,复印费由( )承担。
A. 设计人 B. 发包人和承包人共同 C. 发包人 D. 承包人 [单选题]机动车辆掉入河水时应急处置正确的是( )。
A.河水很浅时,车稳定后,摸清水底情况,设法驶出 B.驾驶室被水淹没,迅速开车门而出 C.驾驶室被水淹没,迅速破窗而出 [多选题]中国古代哲学家方以智指出:“气凝为形,蕴发为光,窍激 为声,皆气也。”这句话在哲学上表达了( )。
A.多元论的思想 B.万物都是物质的不同表现形式的思想 C.朴素辩证法的思想 D.物质和运动不可分的思想 [多选题]矛盾普遍性的含义是( )
A.矛盾存在于全人类对事物的认识过程中 B.矛盾是不依人们意志为转移的 C.矛盾存在于一切事物的发展过程中 D.每一事物的发展过程中存在自始至终的矛盾运动 [填空题]描述机械振动响应的三个参数是位移、()和加速度.
A.计件工资的特点是操作简单易行,适用于任何企业和工种 B.奖金是指支付给职工的超额劳动报酬和增收节支的劳动报酬 C.延长工作时间工资报酬也称加班加点工资或加班费 D.津贴和补贴是指为了补偿职工特殊的或额外的劳动消耗和生活费用,以及因其他特殊原因支付给职工的一类补充性费用 我来回答: 提交