Questions 62 to 66 are based on the
following passage. Auctions(拍卖)are public sales of goods,conducted by an officially approved auctioneer.He asked the crowd to gather in the auction room to bid for various items on sale.He encourages buyers to bid higher figures and finally names the highest bidder as the buyer of the goods.This is called“knocking down”the goods,for the bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a raised platform. The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction and the English word comes from the Latin“autic”.meaning“increase”.The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war;these sales were called“sub hasta”,meaning“under the spear”,a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather.In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centur A. the current market values of the goods B. details of the goods to be sold C. the order in which goods are to be sold D. free admission to the auction sale [单项选择]李某利用到外国旅游的机会,为了自用,从不法分子手中购买了手枪1把、子弹60发,然后经过伪装将其邮寄回国内。后来李某得知朱某欲抢银行,想得到一支枪,就与朱某协商,以5000元将其手枪出租给朱某使用。朱某使用该手枪抢劫某银行,随后被抓获。对李某的行为应如何处理( )
A. 以买卖、邮寄枪支、弹药罪与抢劫罪并罚 B. 以买卖、邮寄枪支、弹药罪与非法出租枪支罪并罚 C. 以走私武器、弹药罪、非法出租枪支罪、抢劫罪并罚 D. 以走私武器、弹药罪与抢劫罪并罚 [单选题]DCL-32连续式捣固车锁定工作小车,一号位将工作小车拉回至()位。
A.《DCL-32连续式捣固车一号位岗位作业指导书》2020年版 B.前 C.中 D.后 E.锁定 [判断题]《动车组以外列车的机务行车安全措施》规定:机车出入段检查、整备,需做好行车安全装备检测,作用不良可以出段。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The kidnapping took place ______.
A. on Sunday B. last month C. when the van was found D. before seven foreigners were killed [单选题]钢管跨越架宜用外径48~51mm的钢管,立杆和大横杆应错开搭接,搭接长度不得小于()m。
A.0.3 B.0.5 C.0.2 D.0.4 E.略 F.略 [单选题]结构施工自二层起,凡人员进出的通道口(包括井架、施工用电梯的进出通道口)均应搭设安全防护棚。高度超过24m的层次上的交叉作业,应设( )防护。
A.多层 B.防护网 C.三层 D.双层 [多选题]下列哪些地址是CMM单板默认地址
A. B. C. D. [判断题]各类气体传感器都有一定的使用年限,一般在1~3年。其中,氧气传感器寿命最短,大概在1年左右,可燃气体传感器寿命较长,在3年左右。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]采用双机热备份的监控主备机,要定期以热切换方法轮换运行,切换后关机重新启动主机。正常情况下,不超过6个月轮换一次,并做好记录。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]乳腺癌病理分型,属于乳腺浸润性特殊癌的有()
A. 硬癌 B. 小叶原位癌 C. 乳头状癌 D. 鳞状细胞癌 E. 粘液腺癌 [单选题]待检修设备的工作地点必须()。
A.A、停电 B.B、验电 C.C、有电 D.D、轮流值班 我来回答: 提交