Humans are forever forgetting that they
can’ t control nature. Exactly 20 years ago, a Time magazine cover story
announced that scientists are on the verge of being able to predict the time,
place and even the size of earthquakes. "The people of quake-ravaged Kobe
learned last week how wrong that assertion was." None of the methods conceived two decades ago has yet to discover a uniform warning signal that preceded all quakes, let alone any sign that would tell whether the coming tremor is mild or a killer. Earthquake formation can be triggered by many factors, says Hiroo Kanamori, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology. So, finding one all-purpose warning sign is impossible. One reason: Quakes start deep in the earth, so scientists can’ t study them directly. If a quake precursor were found, it would A. A man that may come before the happening of an earthquake. B. The leading factor that may cause a series of events to occur. C. Any meaningful sign that indicates some would-be happenings. D. An event that may have symbolic or significant nature. [单选题]门磁传感器在安装完毕后,关闭门时传感器两端上下、左右的偏差应小于等于( )。
A.5 mm B.15mm C.50mm [单选题]质地较重的药物的常用量为
A.9~45g B.1.5~4.5g C.3~9g D.0.3~1g E.0.03~0.6g [判断题]开关门控制切换按钮在硬线位时,此时EDCU响应列车MVB网络发出的车门开关指令、零速信号
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]内锁闭、分动外锁闭道岔遇不能集中操纵且不能通过手摇转换时或不能通过机械锁闭装置保持其尖轨与基本轨(心轨与翼轨)密贴时,应停止使用。如必须临时开通一股线路时,车站值班员应通知( )将道岔拨向开通所需位置。
A.工务人员 B.电务人员 C.车务人员 D.供电人员 [单选题]()作业不需要执有相关资格证书的人员才能担当。
A.空调管路(制冷剂)维修 B.3t以上起重作业 C.叉车驾驶 D.车顶作业 [单选题]近代中国社会的性质是()。
A.殖民地社会 B.封建社会 C.资本主义社会 D.半殖民地半封建社会 [多选题]现场勘察应查看的内容,主要包括( )
A.现场施工作业需要停电的范围 B.作业现场的条件、环境及其他危险点 C.保留的带电部位 D.天气情况 我来回答: 提交