There can be few who would knowingly eon done waste, whether of energy, of manpower or of financial assets. So why does our educational system make so little provision for those who, given the opportunity, could best help society achieve its objectives and expand its horizons
Support programmes have long been established for children with learning difficulties and under-achievers. People argue that the resources are inadequate to meet the existing need and that greater efforts must be made, but at least the problem is being faced.
At the opposite end of the ability scale is a group of children which one would logically expect to offer the greatest challenge and yield the greatest rewards, both for the children themselves and for society as a whole. Sadly, special provisions in this area are few and far between.
Regional and district child guidance departments are all too conscious of the fact that some 2 per cent of the school population falls within the &
A. reject further help
B. turn against their friends
C. start to misbehave
D. refuse to attend school
Mary was very fond of television, so
when she met a young man{{U}} (36) {{/U}}worked for a television
company, she was very{{U}} (37) {{/U}}and asked him a lot of questions.
She discovered that he had also worked for a film company, so she asked him{{U}}
(38) {{/U}}there was any difference{{U}} (39) {{/U}}film work
and television. "{{U}} (40) {{/U}}," answered the young man, "there is
one very big{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. If someone makes a{{U}} (42)
{{/U}}while a film is being made, it is, of course,{{U}} (43)
{{/U}}to stop and do the scene again. In fact, one can do it over and over
again a lot of{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. Mistakes{{U}} (45) {{/U}}time,
money and films, but the audience (观众) who see the film{{U}} (46)
{{/U}}it is finished don’t know that anything went wrong. In a live (实况播送 A. from B. between C. in D. for [判断题]. 动脉韧带是胎儿时期动脉导管闭锁后的遗迹。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列税务处理正确的是()。
A. 一般纳税人销售电梯的同时提供安装服务,其安装服务可以选择适用简易计税方法计税 B. 纳税人提供植物养护服务,按照“加工修理修配劳务”缴纳增值税 C. 纳税人对安装运行后的电梯提供的维护保养服务,按照“建筑服务”缴纳增值税 D. 某活动板房厂销售自产活动板房并提供安装服务,应该按照销售货物缴纳17%的增值税 [填空题] 线路允许速度为120km/h时,可不设中间缓和曲线的两圆曲线的最大曲率差为( )。
A.主持节目 B.参加访谈 C.做形象代言 D.做商业广告 [单选题]第46题答案是__________
A.encouraged be encouraged C.had encouraged D.are encouraged [多选题]下列哪些因素可能导致中心静脉导管损坏()( )
A.暴力冲管 B.使用大于10ml的注射器冲管 C.导管固定摆放不恰当 D.导管体内打折 [单选题]机车车辆必须停在( )内方。
A.信号机 B.警冲标 C.绝缘节 D.岔尖 [判断题]在有可追溯性要求的场合,组织应控制记录产品的唯一性标识( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]目前微机中的内存储器采用的是( ).
A.磁芯存储器 B.光存储器 C.量子存储器 D.半导体芯片存储器 [判断题]配电线路、设备停电时,对可直接在地面操作的断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)的操作机构应悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”的标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ( )是常用的局部自由度实例,可使高副接触处的滑动摩擦变为滚动摩擦,从而减少接触处的摩擦和磨损,延长使用寿命。:
A.滚子 B.齿轮 C.凸轮 D.涡轮 [单项选择]In your judgement, compared with Adams. Lincoln ____________.
A. was not a world-famous president B. seemed to be an unimportant president C. was a well-known president D. had the same fact as Adams [单选题]车站发生大面积停电时,值班员(行车)操作( ),将闸机设为紧急模式。
A.IBP B.LCW C.ATS D.SCADA [单选题]发生电器火灾时,车间主任立即向部应急指挥中心办公室报告,视火情向( )报警。
A.110、120 B.119、120 C.120、122 D.110、122 [单选题]运动后,补充( )有利于减轻疲劳,缓解肌肉酸痛,增强体能及保护细胞免于自由基损伤。但不能过量补充。
A.维生素A. B.维生素B. C.维生素C. D.维生素E. 我来回答: 提交