English is the official language of the
United Kingdom and is the first language of the vast majority of its citizens.
The use of language is extremely important to Britain’s. class structure. Some
educated English people, regardless of their class origin, Strive to free
themselves of regional or local accents in order to sound like educated
English-speaking people. Some people in England regard regional accents and
slang as substandard. On the other hand, many local people, such as Cockneys in
East London and people in northern England, enjoy their particular way of
speaking, regarding it as warmer and friendlier than standard English. Scottish people appreciate the Scottish accent so much they insist the BBC carry programs with Scottish-accented speakers. The Celtic language, an ancient tongue, continues to be spoken A. the BBC carry programs with Scottish B. the BBC carry programs with Scottish speakers C. the BBC carry programs with non-Scottish-accented speakers D. the BBC carry programs with speakers whose pronunciation is Scottish dialect [多选题]由货物线、岔线、段管线返回时,应确认扳道人员的( )开放正确后,进人指定的股道。
A.股道号码 B.股道 C.道岔开通信号 D.调车信号 [单选题]___方式可以积极盘活资产,只涉及经营权或收益转让,不存在产权、股权问题,可以为已经建成项目引进新的管理。
A.BOT B.PPP C.TOT D.其他融资 [判断题]无人陪伴儿童的位置必须得到确认并符合客舱安全规定
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]流行性出血热的临床分期正确的是
A. 发热期、低血压休克期、少尿期、多尿期、恢复期 B. 发热期、出血期、低血压期休克期、少尿期、恢复期 C. 发热期、低血压休克期、多尿期、少尿期、恢复期 D. 发热期、出血期、少尿期、多尿期、低血压休克期 E. 发热期、少尿期、多尿期、低血压休克期、恢复期 [多项选择]下列属于建筑石膏的技术性质的是( )。
A. 保水性好 B. 硬化时体积微膨胀 C. 硬化后孔隙率高 D. 防火性能差 E. 耐水性和抗冻性强 [多选题]原始体育的特征有( )
A. 模糊性 B. 神秘性 C. 稳定性 D. 非地域性 [简答题]通信竣工验收的依据内容是什么?
[单选题]以下属于劳动合同必备条款的是( )。
A.A.劳动报酬 B.B.试用期 C.C.保守商业秘密 D.D.福利待遇 我来回答: 提交