Food and Health{{/B}} The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat, it has at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to the diet as well, especially cancer of the colon (结肠). Different cultures are more likely to develop certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945, government researchers realized that nitrates (硝酸盐)commonly used to preserve color in meats, and other food additives, accused cancer. Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which [单项选择]下面哪种方法能有效的减少摩擦()。
A. 降低接触面的硬度 B. 用滚动摩擦代替滑动摩擦 C. 用润滑脂代替润滑油 [单项选择]UML提供了5种对系统动态方面建模的图,其中(1)对系统行为组织和建模;(2)对系统功能建模,它强调对象之间的控制流;(3)之间是同构的。空白(1)处应选择()
A. 用例图 B. 顺序图 C. 协作图 D. 状态图 [单选题]进行光路检查时使用()寻找对端光纤的接口位置。
A.光功率计 B.OTDR C.光猫 D.红光源 [单选题]小儿男,10岁,为预防流感自愿接种流感疫苗。接种过程中,小儿出现头晕、心悸、面色苍白,出冷汗。查体:体温36.8℃,脉搏130次/分,呼吸25次/分,诊断为晕针。此时护士应为患儿采取正确的卧位是( )
A.头低足高位 B.头高足低位 C.侧卧位 D.俯卧位 E.平卧位,头稍低 [单选题]兆欧表手摇发电机有离心式调速装置,转动发电机时使发电机能以( )的速度转动。( )
A.很快 B.很慢 C.先慢后快 D.恒定 [单选题]视交叉中间部受损表现为
A.双眼颞侧视野偏盲 B.双眼鼻侧视野偏盲 C.双眼全盲 D.双眼左侧视野同向性偏盲 E.双眼右侧视野同向性偏盲 [多选题]纤维绳(麻绳)有( )者不得用于起重作业。
A.A.霉烂 B.B.拧股 C.C.腐蚀 D.D.损伤 [多选题]下列属于区(队)安全管理的制度的是( ).
A.安全生产责任制 B.区(队)长跟班制度 C.安全教育制度 D.经常检查安全情况制度 [判断题]供消防车取水的消防水池和天然水源,不应设消防车道。()
A.应立即执行的临时医嘱 B.按时执行的长期医嘱 C.按时执行的临时医嘱 D.需要时可用的临时备用医嘱 E.需要时可用的长期备用医嘱 [简答题]论述传输网维护和管理的基本任务
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