Mr. West wanted to buy his wife a
Christmas (圣诞节) present, but he was always very busy, so he was never able to
find time to go to the shops. At last when it was the week before Christmas, and
the shops were very’ crowded, he decided that he could not wait any longer. One
day he didn’t have lunch in a restaurant as usual. He bought some bread, ate it
quickly, then went out to a big shop near his office. The shop was full of women
who were also buying presents during their lunch hour. Mr. West stood politely
at the edge (边,刀口) of a crowd (人群,挤满) of women who were pushing forward to try
to get to the shop-assistants. He tried to move forwards slowly, taking his turn
with the others, but more and more women were coming into the shop and pushing
past him. After half an hour, he was just as far from the shop-assistants as he had been when he came (来,出现) i [单选题]()以上公安机关在自己管辖的地区内,可以直接发布通缉令;超出自己管辖的地区,应当报请有权决定的上级公安机关发布。
A.乡镇级 B.县级 C. 市地级 D. 省级 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSSG 510001-2015)第26.2.6.2条规定:使用绝缘操作杆、验电器和测量杆时,作业人员的手不应越过( )。
A.护环或手持部分的界限 B.头顶 C.设备 D.围栏 [单选题]简单悬挂的吊索其长度应符合设计文件规定。在无偏温度下,两端的长度应相等,相差不超过(),两端受力均匀。
A.100mm B.200mm C.400mm D.500mm [单选题]下列说法符合悬索桥养护与维修要求的是(___)。
A.A.定期更换钢护筒与套管连接处的防水垫圈及阻尼垫圈,做好搭接处的防水处理 B.B.主缆各索股的受力应保持均匀,如出现明显偏差、松弛或过紧,应通过索端拉杆螺栓进行调整 C.C.对索力偏离设计限值的拉索进行索力调整,张拉的顺序、级次和量值应按设计规定进行,并同时对测定索力和延伸值进行控制 D.D.发现连接螺栓松动应及时拧紧,对于高强螺栓应施加设计的预拉应力 [判断题]在实战演练中,进入模拟有毒气体、高温、浓烟、倒塌环境中的人员,必须佩戴空气呼吸器,做好个人防护,并严格执行操作规程。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]水稻负泥虫1年发生()代,以()在稻田附近水渠旁等杂草丛中越冬。
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