[单选题]在其他站线上,道岔轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,三角坑的计划维修标准为( )mm。
[单项选择]Fingerprints, one of the great deciders of innocence or guilt in criminal charges, are now in the dock themselves. This is because of a growing number of claims from defendants that their ’prints’ have been ’lifted’ and planted at scenes of crimes. And these allegations are being taken seriously by lawyers, judges and policemen because it is possible to move a fingerprint from one spot and place it elsewhere.
With one of the cornerstones of evidence now being placed in doubt a committee of criminal lawyers is carrying out an inquiry into fingerprinting. The investigation has been ordered by Justice, the prestigious legal organization, and a report is due early next year. Last night a spokesman for Justice said: "There are an increasing number of cases where people are claiming their prints have been transferred and put in incrimination objects. We are not aiming to establish if these allegations are true or not, but we are questioning current fingerprinting methods as part of a
A. to prove that policemen have been behaving dishonestly.
B. to establish the truth of the allegations.
C. part of a wider investigation.
D. to allay the fears of some top criminal lawyers.
[单选题]导线与绝缘子接触部分,用宽( ),厚1 mm软铝带包缠上。
A.5 mm
B.6 mm
C.8 mm
D.10 mm
[简答题] 拆装、检修制动装置配件必须遵守哪些安全规定?
[多项选择]对于下列哪些案件,证人、鉴定人、被害人因在诉讼中作证,本人或者其近亲属的人身安全面临危险的,人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关应当采取保护措施( )
A. 危害国家安全犯罪案件
B. 恐怖活动犯罪案件
C. 黑社会性质的组织犯罪案件
D. 毒品犯罪案件
[单项选择]Home prices slid in November, raising questions about whether the housing recovery is robust enough to maintain a sustained turnaround. From October to November, home prices fell 0.2% after (1) 0.1% in October, according to a report Tuesday by Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller’s home price index. (2) five of the 20 metro areas (3) by the index saw price increases for the month.
On a(n) (4) basis, prices were 5.3% lower in November than in November 2008. Prices were the same as in late 2003. "What we’ve seen (5) the past couple of months is that the pace of (6) has fallen down," says Maureen Maitland of Standard & Poor’s. "Some markets have (7) Is that because we haven’t (8) the foreclosure (回赎权的取消) cycle Because of unemployment We’re not seeing the (9) we were seeing in the last summer months. "
Metro areas that have seen a retreat in home prices (10) Seattle, Charlotte, Las Veg
A. worked through
B. worked at
C. looked through
D. passed through
年份 |
GDP (亿元) |
第一产业 |
第二产业 |
第三产业 |
人均GDP (元/人) |
(亿元) |
构成 (%) |
A. 32.5倍 B. 26.5倍 C. 22.5倍 D. 18.5倍
[判断题]自2003年9月1日起施行《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》〔2003〕5号中,一般存款账户是存款人因借款或其他结算需要,在基本存款账户开户银行或以外的银行营业机构开立的银行结算账户。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]郁李仁在贮藏中的变异现象是 A. 霉变 B. 泛油 C. 变色 D. 气味散失 E. 粘连
[单项选择]不是高渗性非酮症性糖尿病昏迷常见诱因的是() A. 腹泻 B. 服用双胍类降糖药 C. 服用噻嗪类利尿药 D. 感染 E. 血液透析
[单项选择]额定电压为6KV的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆,其运行最高允许温度为()℃。 A. 50 B. 60 C. 70 D. 80
[判断题] 用钳表测量电动机空转电流时,可直接用小电流档一次测量出来。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]不属于小孢子菌属的是() A. 铁锈色小孢子菌 B. 石膏样小孢子菌 C. 阿萨希毛孢子菌 D. 猪小孢子菌 E. 犬小孢子菌
[单项选择] Passage Four
Adam Smith was the founder of economics as a
distinct field of study. He wrote only one book on the subject — The Wealth of
Nations, published in 1776. Smith was 53 years old at the time. His friend David
Hume found the book such hard going that he doubted many people would read it.
But Hume was wrong — people have been reading it for more than 200 years
now. The Wealth of Nations, in Smith’s view, was the result not
of accumulating gold or silver, as many of that time believed, but of ordinary
people working and trading in free markets. To Smith, the remarkable thing about
the wealth produced by a market economy is that it does not result from any
organized plan, rather, it is the unintended outcome of the actions of many
people, each of whom is pursuing the incentives the market offers with his or
her own interests in mind. A. Adam Smith was an economist. B. Adam Smith wrote some books on economics. C. David Hume was the co-author of the Wealth of Nations. D. the Wealth of nations was published in 1976.
[单选题]有限空间作业时,送风设备吸风口应置于(),出风口应设置在作业区,不应直对作业者。 A.电力管井内 B.洁净空气中 C.靠近公路一侧
[不定项选择题]氟康唑 A.具有单三氮唑结构的药物 B.具有喹啉羧酸结构的药物 C.具有咪唑结构的药物 D.具有双三氮唑结构的药物 E.具有鸟嘌呤结构的药物
[判断题]按照我国《保险法》的规定,商业保险的所有险种的基本保险条款和保险费率,由保险公司自行制订,但应当报保险监督管理机构审批或者备案。( )
[单项选择]男性,55岁。双下肢无力半年,右侧明显,近2个月行走不稳,右手不能扣钮扣,无外伤史,无发热。体格检查,颈背部无明显压痛,两上肢前臂、手及上臂尺侧皮肤感觉减退,右侧尤其明显,四肢肌张力增高,肱二头肌反射亢进,双侧膝踝反射亢进,右髌阵挛阳性,右巴宾斯基征阳性。最有助于鉴别诊断的辅助检查为 A. 颈椎X线片 B. 颈段K线断层摄片 C. 肌电图 D. 颈段MRI E. 核素扫描
[判断题]紧急事故情况下可以"约时"停电和送电。(____) A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]当事人对租赁期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依照《合同法》的有关规定仍不能确定的,视为()。 A. 租赁期为6个月 B. 租赁期为2年 C. 租赁期为20年 D. 不定期租赁
[单选题]《中国铁路济南局集团有限公司客运作业人身安全规定》(济铁客〔2020〕304号) A.列车员 B.列车值班员 C.列车长 D.随车机械师
[单项选择]Dreamweaver CSS不允许在一个样式表中一个HTML标签存在多个样式规则,此限制不适用于() A. 组选择器 B. 上下文选择器 C. 伪元素选择器 D. D标签选择器
[判断题]双极直流输电系统单极停运检修时,禁止操作双极公共区域设备,禁止合上停运极中性线大地/金属回线隔离开关(刀闸)。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]患者,女性,40岁,右侧头痛、面部发麻伴有右耳听力下降一年,头颅MR提示:右小脑脑桥角肿瘤。该患者脑干诱发电位检查时最可能出现的结果是() A. 右侧Ⅲ~Ⅴ峰间期延长 B. 左侧Ⅲ~Ⅴ峰间期延长 C. 右侧Ⅰ~Ⅲ峰间期延长 D. 左侧Ⅰ~Ⅲ峰间期延长 E. 右侧Ⅴ波消失
[单选题]调度集中区段, 调度所、车站应( )组织一次 CTC 系统设备故 障应急演练,利用天窗修期间开行的路用列车,将 CTC 系统转为非常站控, 由人工排列进路组织路用列车开行。 A.每旬 B.每月 C.每季 D.每半年
[单项选择]某增值税一般纳税人某月份将自产的水泥用于不动产在建工程,成本5000元,不含税售价6000元,正确的账务处理为() A. 借:在建工程贷:产品销售收入贷:应交税金-应交增值税(销项税额) B. 借:在建工程贷:产成品贷:应交税金-应交增值税(进项税额转出) C. 借:在建工程贷:产成品贷:应交税金-应交增值税(进项税额) D. 借:在建工程贷:产成品贷:应交税金-应交增值税(销项税额)
[多选题]、火灾自动报警系统验收,主要应检查()及系统功能等内容。 A..触发器件 B..火灾报警装置和联动控制设备 C..火灾警报装置 D..电源
[单选题]聘任制公务员与所在机关发生争议的,可以自争议发生之日起 内申请人事仲裁,当事人对仲裁裁决不服的,可以自接到仲裁裁决书之日起 内向人民法院提起诉讼。 A.三十日,十五日。 B.六十日,三十日。 C.十五日,三十日。 D.六十日,十五日。
[单选题]某商业银行客户经理王某在征得客户同意情况下,将客户电话号码及保险需求告诉了某保险公司业务员,此行为( )。 A.属于违反职业操守行为 B.违反信息保密原则 C.符合信息保密原则 D.属于应该禁止的行为
[单选题]带电设备附近测量绝缘电阻,( )应与设备的带电部分保持安全距离。移动引线时,应加强监护,防止人员触电。 A.测量人员 B.绝缘电阻表 C.测量引线 D.测量人员和绝缘电阻表安放的位置
[单项选择]患者,男,55岁。慢性冠状动脉供血不足。其心电图诊断之一为“Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞(房室传导延缓)”。其心电图的表现应为 A. P波增宽 B. P~R间期延长 C. QRS波群时限延长 D. ST段延长 E. Q~T间期延长
[判断题](86409)( )按传动机构的配置,基础制动装置分为“散开式”和“单元式”两种。( )(1.0分) A.正确 B.错误
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