Let’s try to find out why getting fiber
from whole foods is important for a healthy diet. Fiber has never been
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} you’d call a healthy nutrient. Suddenly, it’s a
superstar: Manufacturers are {{U}} (68) {{/U}} it to yogurt, juice,
even {{U}} (69) {{/U}} sweetener. But as with many {{U}} (70) {{/U}}, there’s an unseemly back story: Experts aren’t sure that these fiber-boosted foods are {{U}} (71) {{/U}} trying. Yes, you should eat lots of fiber. There’s no question that a diet {{U}} (72) {{/U}} in high-fiber foods is a powerful lifesaver-it’s known to {{U}} (73) {{/U}} the risk of heart disease and diabetes, and it helps {{U}} (74 A. foods B. vegetables C. riches D. celebrities [单选题]依据《国家电网有限公司输变电工程施工分包安全管理办法》要求,承揽公司系统输变电工程分包作业的分包队伍必须在()中选择。
A.劳务作业队伍 B.专业施工队 C.核心分包队伍 D.专业安装队伍 [单选题] 不需填用电力通信工作票的通信工作,应使用其他书面记录或按()执行。
A.口头:电话命令; B.任务单; C.书面通知; D.微信 [单选题]被誉为“两弹元勋”的科学家是( )。
A.钱学森 B.钱三强 C.钱伟长 D.邓稼先 [单项选择]Tom (Example: (0) ) only seven (41) , so when he went (42) to camp with a lot of other small boys one summer, his mother thought he might be unhappy, and arranged for all his aunts and his grandmother and all his relatives to write (43) him, so that he (44) get a letter every day while he (45) away from home.
Well, of course he did not write to anybody while he was at camp. A few days (46) he came back (47) , his mother saw him (48) some papers and asked him what (49) "Oh", he said, "they are the letters I got while I was (50) the camp, I did not have time to look at them while I was there./ A. will B. should C. would [判断题]“海事声明”是指在船舶遭遇恶劣天气或意外事件引起或可能引起的船舶、货物损害、环境损害、人员伤亡等情况以及船舶发生其他意外情况,船方在抵港后向海事管理机构递交的声明。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]纤维组织细胞瘤的主要病变特点是
A. 好发于膝关节周围 B. 病灶可沿骨干纵向生长 C. 成纤维细胞和胶原纤维呈旋涡状或车辐状排列 D. 肿瘤中见多核巨细胞及泡沫细胞 E. 肿瘤中无新生骨形成 [单项选择]借款人申请货权质押融资业务时,以仓单、提单等货权凭证作质押担保,华夏银行对货权凭证权属要求是()。
A. 自己合法拥有的货权凭证 B. 第三方同意时,可以质押第三方合法拥有的货权凭证 C. 以上两个均可以 D. 可以接受母公司的货权凭证 [单项选择]下列关于屈肌反射的论述,错误的是( )
A. 为单突触反射 B. 感受器在皮肤 C. 受刺激侧肢体出现屈肌反应 D. 刺激增强时可出现对侧伸肌反射 E. 具有保护性意义 [判断题]柯岩的开发始于宋代,距今已有1700多年的历史了。( )
[单选题]为了降低甲醇消耗,应当把热再生塔酸性气体出口温度( ).
A.降低 B.不变 C.提高 D.无法确定 [判断题]执法信息公开的审批人要认真审查案件是否属于涉密范围,严禁以案件涉密为由,不按规定进行公开,规避群众监督评议。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交