{{U}}Footracing is a popular activity in the United
States. It’s not only seen as a competitive sport, but also as a way to
exercise, to enioy the comraderies (同专情谊) of like - minded people, and to donate
money to a good cause. {{/U}}Though serious runners may spend months training to
compete, other runners and walkers might not train at all. Those not competing
to win might run in an effort to beat their own time, or simply to enjoy the fun
and exercise. People of all ages, from those less than one - year old (who may
be pushed in strollers) to those in their 80s, enter into this sport. The races
are held on city streets, on college campuses, through parks, and in suburban
areas, and are commonly 5 to 10 kilometers in length. The largest footrace in the world is the 1 2- kilometer Bay to Breakers race that is held in San Fra A. for a good reason B. to support a sound principle C. for a good purpose D. to protect a wise investment [单选题]设计概算的编制依据的审查不包括( )。
A.合法性审查 B.合理性审查 C.时效性审查 D.适用范围审查 [填空题]对于消化性溃疡合并湿热的患者会诱发溃疡、出血、穿孔的药物有()、()和()。
[多选题]根据《山东省农村信用社客户身份识别和客户身份资料及交易记录保存管理办法》规定,一次性金融服务是指,为不在农村商业银行开立账户的客户提供( )等一次性金融服务。
A.票据兑付 B.现钞兑换 C.现金存取 D.现金汇款 [多选题]开展()等物质破拆时,应佩戴护目镜及具备防割功能的手套等防护装备。
A.金属、混凝土 B.混凝土、玻璃 C.金属 D.混凝土 E.玻璃 [多项选择]“红星书店的[书],有[特价书]和[非特价书],其中有些是[科技书],或是[精装书]。”下列各项对其中[]概念间的关系表述正确的有()。
A. “书”与“特价书”是属种关系。 B. “特价书”与“非特价书”是矛盾关系。 C. “科技书”与“精装书”是反对关系。 D. “精装书”与“特价书”是全异关系。 E. “科技书”与“非特价书”是交叉关系。 [简答题]试述促进高热患者舒适的护理措施。
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