Questions 21-25 are based on the following
passage: Wood carving refers to the art of creating or decorating objects of wood by carving with a sharp, hand-held tool. This form of art has a history of over 1,000 years and a unique artistic style. The following is some introduction about wood carving in America. Wood carving began as a necessity in America and developed into an art. Because of the lack of other materials, early settlers were forced to make tools and utensils out of wood. At first, these articles were whittled with a knife, but when pioneer craftsmen set up their primitive shops most of them were fashioned on a lathe--a machine which holds an object and rotates it while it is being shaped by a tool. However, even after Massachusetts-born Thomas Blancard designed a lathe which could turn irregular shapes--an innovation that mad A. the upper part of one’s body B. self-portrait C. painting D. clothes [多项选择]载荷是引起结构失去平衡或破坏的外部作用,载荷按结构的反应分类,可分为()。
A. 静态作用 B. 动力作用 C. 可变作用 D. 静力作用 E. 永久作用 [判断题]政府失灵说认为政府机构低效率的原因在于政府行为趋向于资源浪费等因素。
A. 溶液 B. 很难 C. 不难 D. 较容易 [填空题]患病率的大小取决于两个因素,即()和()。
[单选题]50Hz轨道电路室内设备调相防雷器作用( )个轨道区段。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单项选择]在Radius报文中,下面哪个域是加密的()
A. 密码 B. 所有报文都是加密传输 C. 密码+用户名 D. NAS的IP地址 [填空题] 生产厂房应( )的铁箱,以便放置( ) (抹布和棉纱头等),用过的擦拭材料应另放在废棉纱箱内,定期清除。
[单项选择]建立企业年金制度具有重要的意义,主要体现在以下几个方面( )。
①完善多层次养老保障体系 ②促进劳动力市场发育
③提高企业竞争力 ④促进金融深化,完善我国金融体系
A. ①②③④ B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ①③④ [单选题]依据南网安规,作业现场装设的工作接地线应列入工作票,( )应确认所有工作接地线均已装设完成后,方可开工。
A.工作负责人 B.技术负责人 C.工作执行人 D.质量负责人 [单项选择]指令INAL,DX对I/O端口的寻址范围是( )。
A. 0~255 B. 0~65535 C. 0~1023 D. 0~32767 我来回答: 提交