Loneliness has been linked to depression and other
health problems. Now, a study says it can also spread. A friend of a lonely
person was 52% more likely to develop feelings of loneliness. And a friend of
that friend was 25% more likely to do the same. Earlier findings showed that
happiness, fatness and the ability to stop smoking can also grow like infections
within social groups. The findings all come from a major health study in the
American town of Framingham, Massachusetts. The study began in 1948 to investigate the causes of heart disease. Since then, more tests have been added, including measures of loneliness and depression. The new findings invol A. expanded its research topics B. involved 5,000 patients of depression C. identified loneliness as one key factor for heart disease D. examined the relationship between loneliness and depression [单选题]列宁指出,马克思提出共产主义问题“正像一个自然科学家已经知道某一新的生物变种是怎样产生以及朝着哪个方向演变才提出该生物变种的发展问题一样”,马克思对共产主义的描述()。
A.立足于对先天理念的回忆 B.立足于对人类社会特别是资本主义社会发展规律的揭示 C.是对人们已经知道的内容的重复 D.是对自然界发展规律的揭示 [多项选择]标准蹲姿的正确表述是()。
A. 在拾取低处的物件时,应保持大方、端庄的蹲姿 B. 一脚在前,一脚在后,两腿向下蹲 C. 前脚全着地,小腿基本垂直于地面.后脚跟提起。脚掌着地.臀部向下 D. 身体协调,姿势稳健,挺胸抬头,目视前方 E. 不前仰后靠,不左摇右晃 [填空题]经济文化何卫的工作范围是()。
[单选题] 先发热后有意识障碍,可见于
A.脑出血; B.脑血栓形成; C.蛛网膜下腔出血; D.巴比妥类药物中毒; E.败血症; [多选题]所有的合同的订立过程都必须经过( )过程。
A.要约邀请 B.要约 C.承诺 D.公证 E.鉴证 [多选题]第 548 题, 本小题 1 分
无母线接线中桥形接线可分为(____)。 A. 内桥接线 B. 外桥接线 C. 上桥接线 D. 下桥接线 [多选题]必须横越列车、车列(组) 时,严禁钻车,应先确认该列车、车列(组) 暂不移动然后由( )。
A.车辆通过台通过 B.从车底下钻过 C.从两车车钩上越过,越过时勿碰开钩销 D.在该机车、车辆较远处通过 [判断题]一个完整的防雷装置包括接闪器和引下线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在物流系统经营安全性检验标准中,安全边际率为30-40%,表明的安全程度是()。
A. 危险 B. 值得注意 C. 安全 D. 很安全 [多项选择]按测验的表现可分为()。
A. 能力测验 B. 学绩测验 C. 人格测验 D. 文字测验 E. 非文字测验 [判断题]岔线取送车遇推进作业时,是否安装简易紧急制动阀应根据走行线远近、连挂车数、曲线半径、瞭望条件及有无道口等情况,由车站自定。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交