Many people -- especially the
baby-boomers born between 1946 and 1964, who will be retiring over the next 20
years or so -- will be asking themselves whether they will have enough to keep
them comfortable in their old age, even if they save a lot. After all, it is
generally accepted that they cannot rely on the state. The burden on the
taxpayer would be too great. But, as already noted, financial wealth is just a claim on the assets produced by the economy. Making pensions a claim on the private sector rather than the public purse does not change the problem. Will businesses in 20 years’ time be producing enough income to pay the rewards and bond interest to pay baby-boomers their private-sector pensions And what will happen to asset prices if the boomers try to cash what they hold In demographic(人口统计学) terms A. the baby-boomers will upset the pattern B. there are more demographic problems in Japan C. the result concluded by John Llewellyn and Camille Chaix-Viros D. the emerging markets can be a way in approaching the problem [单选题]由晶体管组成的共发射极、共基极、共集电极三种放大电路中,电压放大倍数最小的是( )。
A.共发射极电路 B.共集电极电路 C.共基极电路 D.三者差不多 [单项选择]下列说法不正确的是( )。
A. 闪点是衡量物质火灾危险性的重要参数 B. 燃点对可燃固体和闪点较高的液体具有重要意义,在控制燃烧时,需将可燃物的温度降至其燃点以下 C. 火灾防治途径有评估、阻燃、火灾探测、灭火等 D. 添加型阻燃剂具有赋予组成物或聚合物永久阻燃性的优点 [判断题]/909 判断题.易燃液体、遇湿易燃物品、易燃固体不得与氧化剂混合储存,具有还原性的氧化剂应单独存放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]同步回路()。
A. 为了增大推力 B. 为增速 C. 保证多缸速度或位移都相等 D. 使油缸工作平稳 [单项选择]氢含量高可以及时地把电炉的热量带入催化剂层,可以起到保护()的作用。
A. 内件 B. 塔壁 C. 电炉 D. 催化剂 [单项选择]大量流水线生产的期量标准有( )。
A. 节拍 B. 批量 C. 生产周期 D. 生产提前期 [判断题]限速运行时,发货人应在货物运单、编组顺序表及货车上注明“限速XX公里”字样
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
2013年4月20日8时02分,中华民族再次经受了一场灾难的考验,从汶川地震到芦山地震,我们看到了灾区救援有序有效,灾后重建稳步推进。这表明()。 A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②④ [简答题]一级客流控制由 决定实施,并通报控制中心,请求本站公安协助并上报轨道交通公安指挥中心。
[单选题]如果部门劳动生产率下降,同一劳动在单位时间内创造的( )
A.使用价值量减少,单位产品的价值量增加 B.使用价值量减少,价值总量减少 C.使用价值量增加,单位产品的价值量增加 D.单位产品的价值量减少 我来回答: 提交