William Faulkner of Oxford was not a
native of Oxford; nor was he born with the name Faulkner. He was born in Albany,
Mississippi, at the end of the 19th century, and the family spelled the name
Falkner. He published his first book when he was twenty-seven. In 1950, at the age of fifty-three, he was given the Nobel Prize for Literature (文学). After that he kept on writing and became more successful. He was generally regarded as the great American writer of his time when he died in 1962. Millions of people who read his works thought he had spent almost the whole life in Mississippi. Even the people of Oxford. Faulkner was a kind of legend (传奇) in his own lifetime. There was, for example, the mystery (不可思议的事物) of who pat the "u" in William’ s last name. For many years the commonly acc A. he had published all of the important works B. he had already used the name "Faulkner" C. his life story had been known clearly by millions of his readers D. he had already been generally regarded as a great American writer [单选题]安全帽检验方法通常用3kg重的钢球,从()m高处垂直自由坠落冲击下不被破坏,检验周期为每年一次。
A2 B3 C4 D5
[单选题]刺激的物理强度和它所引起的心理强度之间的关系是,( )。
A.两者的单位相等 B.刺激的物理强度单位小于它所引起的心理强度单位 C.刺激的物理强度单位总是它所引起的心理强度单位的二倍 D.刺激的物理强度单位按对数级数增加时,它所引起的心理强度单位是按 算术级数增加的 [单项选择]以下哪项不属于出口保理商为出口商提供的出口保理服务()。
A. 商业咨询调查 B. 货物运输 C. 应收账款管理与催收 D. 信用风险担保 [单项选择]可逆式换热器采用()
A. 光直翅片 B. 锯齿型翅片 C. 多孔翅片 D. 波纹翅片 [单选题]女性,48岁,近1个月感口渴,饮水量增至每天2000ml。身高156cm,体重71kg,空腹血糖10.0mmol/L (180mg/dl), 餐后血糖 14.0mmol/L (252mg/dl),系初次发现血糖高,过去无糖尿病史。
按以上建议治疗3个月后空腹血糖 163mg/dl ( 8. 6mmol/L),餐后血糖 225mg/dl (12. 5mmol/L),进一步治疗建议
A.氯磺丙脲 B.格列齐特 C.二甲双胍 D.阿卡波糖 E.普通胰岛素 [判断题]GIS是Geographic Information System的简称,即全球卫星定位系统。
[单项选择]银行在票据未到期时将票据买进的做法被称为( )。
A. 票据交换 B. 票据承兑 C. 票据结算 D. 票据贴现 [判断题]采取的限流、甩站、封站、暂停运营等措施,未及时告知公众或者封站、暂停运营等措施未向城市轨道交通运营主管部门报告由城市轨道交通运营主管部门责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,处以1万元以下的罚款:
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]孕马血清促性腺激素简称()
A. GnRH B. PMSG C. PG D. FSH E. HCG [单选题] 低压法脱甲烷的优点是( )。
A.回流比大 B.回流比小 C.塔顶乙烯损失增大 D.降低了甲烷对乙烯的相对挥发度 我来回答: 提交