Originally introduced by Netscape Communications, (1) are a general mechanism which HTTP Server side applications, such as CGI (2) , can use to both store and retrieve information on the HTTP (2) side of the connection. Basically, Cookies can be used to compensate for the (4) nature of HTTP. The addition of a simple, persistent, client-side state significantly extends the capabilities of WWW-based (5) .
4() The Panorama is not the first model of
New York. In 1845 E. Porter Belden, a savvy local who had written the best city
guide of its day, set 150 artists, craftsmen, and sculptors to work on what an
advertisement in his guide described as "a perfect facsimile of New York,
representing every street, lane, building, shed, park, fence, bee, and every
other object in the city." This "Great w0rk of art," Belden said, distilled
"over 200, 000 buildings, including Houses, Stores and Rear-Buildings" and two
and a half million windows and doors into a twenty-by-twenty-four-foot miniature
that encompassed the metropolis below Thirty-second Street and parts of Brooklyn
and Governors Island, all basking under a nearly fifteen-foot-high Gothic canopy
decorated with 0il paintings of "the leading business establishments and places
of note in the city." Alas, every trace o A. (A) City development in America B. (B) Famous American designers C. (C) History of American architecture D. (D) City model making in America [简答题]合肥人余鹾尹患伏暑证大便数日不行医用元明粉硬下便后反溏里急后重似痢非痢发热更甚病后增重及余诊治脉洪虚数舌垢如碱知攻伤脏腑病势增重也盖伏暑淫邪蒙蔽清阳三焦气化失宣大便每多不行若使暑淫达出三焦气化得宣大便不医自下叶天士用枳壳厚朴槟榔青皮生首乌代承气汤即是此义不比伤寒热结阳明肠有燥屎消烁津液非大黄芒硝攻下病不能去也今无端攻伤脏腑正气更虚病难退耳仍用香薷豆蔻厚朴等开达膜原葛根升提阳明何如正虚邪陷如牵倒退之舟甚为费力病虽稍却不能痊然尚可冀迟日而愈奈医过三次病家性急更医阅三日知此人死矣探悉后医误认为出癍仍用苦寒消导之药致令不起再阅两日闻其夫人客中无亲夫死无依仰药尽节哀哉庸医杀人一死两命阴骘丧尽而不即报者律贵诛心其心无害人本意天可原也然学术不精草菅人命必自身折寿后代不昌理也孔子云知之为知之不知为不知望世人共遵之(蒋希曾《经验医案·暑湿蒙蔽清阳似热结证》)本案为何“一死两命”?
[单选题]下列说法正确的是( )
A.没有行政强制执行权的行政机关可以申请自己执行 B.没有行政强制执行权的行政机关应当申请人民法院强制执行 C.没有行政强制执行权的行政机关应当让有行政强制执行权的机关执行 D.没有行政强制执行权的行政机关应当让上级主管机关执行 [单选题]梅兰日兰Galaxy3000型UPS是()(2分)
A.在线式UPS B.离线式UPS C.后备式UPS D.主路型UPS [判断题]带电的设备不能直接接地,只能通过适当的防雷元件接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]858、燃烧设备投入使用前应按标准的要求进行冷、热态试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全人机系统包括人、机、( )三部分。
A.环境 B.设备 C.班组 D.社会 [单选题] 上消化道出血患者出现柏油样粪便提示24h失血量为(0分)
A.250ml B.10ml C.60ml D.100ml E.5ml 我来回答: 提交