正确识别风险点、非风险点、敏感点和权衡点是进行软件架构评价的关键步骤。其中 () 是实现一个特定质量属性的关键特征,该特征为一个或多个软件构件所共有。“改变加密的级别可能会对安全性和性能都产生显著的影响”,这是一个对系统 () 的描述。
其中 () 是实现一个特定质量属性的关键特征,该特征为一个或多个软件构件所共有
It’s hard to say for sure what the next big thing will be, but these items made the list of 10 emerging technology trends that will change the world, according to the January issue of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Magazine Technology Review.
"We were looking for things that were just emerging now and over the next five years would begin to have a major impact", David Rotman, the magazine’s deputy editor, said Thursday.
Some of the items have been on the verge of widespread use for quite some time, such as biometrics and speech recognition. Others chosen by the MIT magazine editors are topics that most people have never heard of, such as microphotonics and microfluidics.
The magazine focused on developments in three areas: information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology.
One significant area in biotechnology, the magazine highlights, is work on b
A. emphasize
B. light up
C. pay attention to
D. bring light on
Are some people born clever, and others
born stupid Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience
Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent our
intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of special education can
make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a
child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than
one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the A. become a genius B. still become a genius if he should be given special education C. exceed his intelligence limits in rich surroundings D. not reach his intelligence in his life [单项选择]While in bed the doctor was telephoned to go back to the hospital because of ______ case.
A. a treatment B. an operation C. an incident D. an emergency [单选题]8个月患儿,高热4天,近日热退而全身可见红色细小密集的斑丘疹,最可能的诊断是
A.麻疹 B.水痘 C.幼儿急疹 D.猩红热 E.药物疹 [判断题]开关量输入接口包括:分、合闸操作继电器,信号继电器等用于开关的分合闸操作及其信号的部件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]任何人进入生产现场(办公室.控制室.值班室和班组室除外),应戴安全帽。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车组因设备故障无法运行时,列车调度员应及时组织救援。救援时应优先采用( )。
A.电力机车 B.动车组 C.内燃机车 D.热备动车组 [单项选择]关于宫颈癌的临床分期,哪项是正确的()
A. 癌瘤组织位于宫颈上皮内,为Ⅰ期 B. 肉眼可区别Ⅰa及Ⅰb C. 癌瘤组织侵犯阴道下1/3,为Ⅱ期 D. 癌瘤组织阻塞输尿管,有肾功不全者为Ⅲ期 E. 癌瘤组织明显浸润达盆壁属Ⅰb期 [填空题]当出现乘客报警时,司机可按下激活端广播控制盒上的( )按钮接通通话,建立了全双工通信。
[填空题]当基本闭塞法不能使用时,应根据列车调度员的命令采用电话闭塞法行车。遇列车调度电话不通时,闭塞法的变更或恢复,应由该区间两端站的车站值班员确认( )后,直接以电话记录办理。
[多选题]钳形电流表安全使用必须注意:( )
A.转换开关置于合适量程 B.不得测量直流电流 C.不能测高压电路中的电流 D.不要在测量过程中切换量程 [判断题]接触器按线圈通过的电流种类,分为交流接触器和直流接触器两种。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]母线及绝缘子竣工验收时,母线金属及构件检查要求,各种金属构件的安装螺孔,不得采用气焊或电焊割孔
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]若电力客户私自增加电器设备,超过合同约定容量用电,称为( )。
A.窃电 B.违约用电 C.正常增容 D.计划外用电 [判断题](6.8分)【判断题】肾小管中越远离肾小囊的管道重吸收功能越强。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按照《高速铁路桥隧建筑物修理规则》规定运营隧道内空气的卫生标准应达到:列车通过隧道后15min以内,空气中氮氧化物(换算成NO2)浓度应小于10mg/m³。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交