Rome, June 13—A law that imposes strict rules on assisted fertility will remain on the books, after the failure on Monday of a hard-fought referendum that rubbed into one of Italy’s sorest spots: the relationship between church and state.
(46)The fight leading up to two days of voting on Sunday and Monday mobilized the nation’s political and religious establishments like few others, as the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church—including the new pope, Benedict XVI—urged Italians to boycott the referendum.
In the end, the outcome was not even close. Only 26 percent of as many as 50 million eligible Italians voted, meaning that the referendum automatically failed, with the votes uncounted, in its attempt to repeal four crucial sections of a restrictive fertility law passed last year. For the referendum to be valid, 50 percent of eligible voters had to take part.
(47)The results would seem an immediate victory for the
When you first drift off into slumber,
your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, your
muscles will relax, and your breathing will become quite regular. Your brain
waves slow down a bit, with the alpha rhythm predominating for the first few
minutes. This is the first stage of sleep. For the next 30 minutes or so, you
will drift down through Stage 2 and Stage 3. The lower your stage of sleep, the
slower your brain waves will be. About 40-60 minutes after you lose
consciousness, you will reach the last stage. Your brain waves will show the
delta rhythm. You may think that you stay at this deep stage all the rest of the
night, but that turns out not to be the case. About 80 minutes after you fall
into slumber, your activity cycle will increase slightly. The delta rhythm will
disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain A. move B. think C. work D. speak [单项选择]直流系统降压运行时,直流电流最大值可以达到()。
A. 80%额定电流 B. 70%额定电流 C. 110%额定电流 D. 额定电流 [填空题]在最坏情况下,堆排序需要比较的次数为 【3】 。
[单选题]国家信用的形式是( )。
A.赤字财政 B.逆回购 C.发行国库券或公债 D.窗口指导 [单选题]高渗性脱水患者易出现
A.口渴、尿少、脱水热 B.皮肤弹性降低、眼窝凹陷等脱水症,较易发生外周循环衰竭 C.脑水肿造成凝视、失语、精神错乱、定向失常、烦躁、抽搐、昏迷及视神经乳头水肿 D.肝大、腹水 E.口渴不明显、尿少、脱水症、外周循环衰竭 [单项选择]为完成特定的教学任务,教师和学生按一定要求组合起来进行活动的结构称为( )
A. 教学组织形式 B. 教学途径 C. 教学结构 D. 教学方式 [多选题] 从工程成本核算的角度,属于工程直接费用施工机械使用费的有( )。
A. 建设工程中自有施工机械的使用费 B. 工程施工租用外单位施工机械的租赁费 C. 施工企业总部车辆使用费 D. 施工机械安装、拆卸和进出场费 E. 施工过程中自有施工机械的财产保险费 [单选题]公安卫星通信网内地球站的设备参数配置不得随意更改。确需改动的,应经()级公安科技信息部门批准。
A.部 B.省 C.地市 D.县 [判断题]AF003 螺纹连接主要包括螺栓连接、螺柱连接、螺钉连接。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]直接作用于血管平滑肌的抗高血压药物有
A.哌唑嗪 B.肼屈嗪 C.利血平 D.胍乙啶 E.硝普钠 [单选题]办理工程项下国内保理业务时,项目监理公司应具有国家有权部门认定的工程监理企业()资质
A.A.特定资质或专业甲级 B.B.综合资质或专业甲级 C.C.特定资质或专业一级 D.D.综合资质或专业一级 我来回答: 提交