Walking Robot Carries a Person{{/B}} The first walking robot capable of carrying a person unveiled on Friday in Tokyo, Japan. Its creators at Waseda University in Tokyo and the Japanese robotics company Tmsuk hope their two-legged creation will one day enable wheel-chair users to climb up and down the stairs and assist the movement of heavy goods over uneven ground. The battery-powered robot, code-named WL-16, is essentially an aluminium chair mounted on two sets of telescopic poles. The poles are bolted to flat plates which act as feet. WL-16 uses 12 actuators (传动装置) to move forwards, backwards and sideways while carrying an adult weighing up to 60 kilograms (130 pounds). The robot can adjust its body and walk smoothly even if the person it is carrying shifts in the chair. At present it can only step up o A. He doesn’t think it is useful. B. He thinks it is only a manipulator. C. He is unsure of its safety. D. He thinks it is user-friendly. [单项选择]患者近日感疲乏无力、食欲差,有时恶心。前来就诊,医嘱查谷丙转氨酶,护士应何时采集血标本()。
A. 即刻 B. 饭前空腹或饭后2h C. 饭后半小时 D. 晨起空腹时 E. 睡前 [单选题]主要由主电源、动车组电源、输电电缆、电器连接器、现场接线箱、信息系统等组成。
A.计算机控制系统 B.动车组高压牵引系统 C.动车组地面电源系统 D.动车组辅助供电系统 [单选题]下列关于瞳孔的叙述,哪项是错误的
A.正常的瞳孔双侧等圆、等大 B.青光眼瞳孔缩小 C.虹膜粘连时形状可不规则 D.在暗处瞳孔较大 E.兴奋时瞳孔扩大 [判断题]调车电台试验完毕后保留停车信号,呼叫:“电台试验完毕,准备作业。”
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]配电设备检修,若无法保证安全距离或因工作特殊需要,可用与带电部分直接接触的()隔板代替临时遮栏。
A.绝缘 B.木质 C.塑料 D.泡沫 我来回答: 提交